Atlantis & The Orion Wars Are Back ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled via Daniel Scranton

"We are very satisfied with the progress that we can feel humanity making at this time. This is not an easy time for you all to be there on Earth. In fact, it is a very challenging time, as you get closer and closer with each passing moment to your ascension. You are getting there, but you have to shed all of the heaviness that you have accumulated along the way. Now, part of how you do that is through replaying old scenarios, circumstances that have shaped you, that have created the traumas that you carry within you.

Right now, on your world, as you witness people going to extremes, feeling very polarized against another side, you are replaying Atlantis, and you are replaying the Orion Wars. You had there on your planet a very polarized society in spite of the fact that the Atlanteans were so advanced spiritually and technologically. You have there on Earth right now a lot of advanced technology and a lot of highly-evolved humans, and you have a little of everything in between. And what we mean by that is you have all sorts of different experiences. You are much more diverse as a global community than you were in Atlantis.

That diversity connects you to all sorts of other star systems, out there in the galaxy. Now, we Arcturians were not involved in the Orion Wars, but there were several star systems that were, and they all have energy and DNA within the human population there. You are replaying to a much smaller extent the type of society that was in the Orion system and that led to the Orion Wars. So what are you going to be able to do about all of that? First of all, you have to notice when you’re being triggered. If something or someone is triggering you, you have to do more than just go to a rally, or write a post on social media. You have to do more than just vote, or raise money for awareness of something.

You have to deal with your trauma. You have to face your emotions. And we know we have said this before, but we will say it again. A lot of the predictions that you are seeing on the Internet right now are about what already happened. People are unable to tell the difference between the past and the future in their visions. They think they are seeing the one future that you are all headed for, when in actuality, they are only seeing one version of the past. And it’s the version of the past that they and others like them need to re-experience.

So let yourselves be triggered, but then go beyond that initial reaction, and go process those emotions. Go feel what you need to feel. Get to the heart of the matter so that you can create a better reality, a better future, a better version of this society that seems so polarized and oppressed. But in reality, what you are living is nothing in comparison to what you have already lived, what you have already experienced, and what you have come to Earth to resolve, to clear once and for all, so that you can let go of the heaviness of your trauma and ascend, becoming your whole, full self, your higher self. That’s what you are doing there on Earth, and that’s what this time for humanity is all about.

We are the Arcturian Council

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