Landscape architecure
Landscape architecure
My friend was a student of landscape architecure.
In short what landscaping is.
Landscape Architecture is a discipline whose role is to preserve nature, but also designing and planning.
Landscape Architecture in Croatia can only be studied in Zagreb. It's a part of Agronomski fakultet. It's a very tough study. You can't be just talented, you have to invest a lot of effort, nerves and time.
With a degree you can design diffrent house yards and parks. So next time when you see some beautiful city park or someones yard be sure someone worked very hard for creating a vision and making plans how, what, when to put something right that spot.
The first pictures shows the conceptual solution with the front entry. As you can see the yard needs to be protected from unwanted views. So you can enjoy in your intimate moments with your family. It is not only protected from sight but also from noise and dust that can come from the road.
The courtroom must contain an interesting content. Not only it's nice but functional as well. Such as an orchard or a small garden pot with herbs.
Parcel is 20x30m
The second picture shows the entrance from the north, or the yard is behind the house. The parcel size is also 20x30. Forward is just an entery and a smaller garden.
Here we get the feeling of a large yard. In this example is also tried to use the maximum space.
The third parcel is small. Represents a yard for houses in a row. It is very important to align esthetics and functionality, precisely because of the size of the usable surface
wow!amazing post,,i appreciate your blog,
thanks for sharing this post..
best of luck.
This is a great architecture ...Keep it up...
Great creation ..actually this creation is outstanding ...Carry on your creativity ..Beat of luck...
Thank you so much for your landscape post...
i like this architecure ....
i wait your next post, carry on your creativity dear.......
Divno, ja sam jedno vreme zelela da to studiram, medjutim posle sam upisala i zavrsila Prostorno planiranje. Ali zato i dan danas uzivam da uredjujem svoju bastu :)
Bitno je voljet ono što radimo i radit ono što volimo :)
Da, jedna od najbitnijih stvari u zivotu :)