Modern architecture cannot be defined raw. There are many figures and sources that explain the definition of modern architecture. Here are some statements related to modern architecture:
August Welby Northmore Pugin (1812-1852) in his book Contrasts published in 1836 explained that in medieval times (mediaeval) churches in the khatolic city began to be replaced by factories, prisons and other functions. This explanation proves that in those days there were buildings with new functions that never existed before.
John Ruskin (1819-1900) an English architect in his book Entitled The Seven Lamps in Architects "Les Sept Lampes de I'architecture" (1849) mentions the importance of a homogeneous form or uniformity for the whole society. This statement is a sign of the end of gothic and eclectic architecture that has the characteristics of their respective regions. It is also mentioned that Ruskin is a figure of functionalism ideology and considers the flow of gothic architecture to be mere decoration.
William Morris (1834-1896) who was also Ruskin's student wrote a book entitled 'Les arts decoratifs,leur relation avec la vie moderne" or meaning sharing art, and its relationship to modern life. This book is the forerunner of 'art noveau' and modern style'.
From the statements of the figures above can be quoted an image that modern architecture is a flow / style of architecture that developed after classical architecture. Modern architecture seeks to leave decorations that are considered not functional in buildings and put more emphasis on function so often called functionalism.
Modern architecture has the principle of functional and efficiency. Functional means that the building is really able to accommodate the activities of its residents, and efficiency must be able to be applied to various things; cost efficiency, working time efficiency and free maintenance aspects of the building.
Characteristics of modern architecture in general are:
· Reject the old style;
· Refusing embroidery or carving in buildings;
· Simplify buildings so that detailed formats become unnecessary;
· Adopting the principle that materials and functions determine the results of buildings;
· Looking at buildings as machines.
Here are some examples of famous modern architecture buildings:
· Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier
· Farnsworth House by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
· Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright
So many of me, if there is a mistake please forgive because I am still in the learning stage