Unfortunately, the only of these games that I've had any experience with would be an XCOM game, which happened to be a sweet spin-off that I am sure helped to keep interest in the series: "RebelStar: Tactical Command"
A GBA game, not the most stable either, due to being a 3D engine built in a 2D-based system. At (I would guess) 90+% stability, it makes some AAA releases of today look buggy as all get-up! Solid gameplay, too, if a little random due to the nature of the game.
I have similarly experienced all the major ideas put forth, I concur that the medium is (hopefully) getting better at all the hallmarks and even creating new niches` of good story-telling mediums.
The most Heart-wrenching moment in any game I've played, however, would be the double-whammy beginnings of "Tales of Phantasia" in which is a wonderful Action Battle and JRPG system. So I explored the WHOLE first environment, the Hero's hometown, there was all sorts of wonderment. Then the heroes went on a hunt and OOooooofff…
You just don't want to interact with anything for a while after that..
..Then you are later imprisoned, and escape with the help of a mysterious hand, giving you a magic item to aid in eroding the wall.(spoilers hidden) Which then allows you to escape after learning some further.. sniffle..emotionally abrasive facts of the story. I haven't even gotten past the first mass battle yet, but this is a great game that I have to take in small bursts. Since I lost my save however, I'll just have to start from scratch.
But since I GM for Savage Worlds, I don't really play as much videogame RPGs now...(Since my brain has a few, at this point) ..Oh well!
Ha, Rebelstar I just looked up! Looks pretty decent for a GBA game! I'm hoping something XCom like will come out on Switch... At the moment, Darkest Dungeon is the closest... And it is pretty good... But you don't have the same depth of attachment to the characters.
Tales of Phantasia? Is that a series? I think I have some Tales games in my Steam backlog. I've heard good things about the series, but I'm put off by the Jrpg labelling... Typically, I don't get on well with the grinding...