Just when you think you understand, it transforms.
6 years ago, I took a solo road trip out to someplace, somewhere, armed with hours of downloaded McKenna lectures that my brother introduced me to.
I found myself rolling alongside a starry sky in Tennessee as McKenna spoke about archaic revival.
…and I had to look up the definition of “archaic”.
I remember concentrating so intensely that after an hour of lecturing, I would develop a mild headache. I would stop to take notes, finding myself absolutely evoked with his word usage, yet I didn’t understand 70% of what he said back then.
His words spoke to some sort of me that wasn’t fully turned on and alive yet.
It is curious… this remembrance process, how we penetrate into deeper spheres of awareness as time progresses, looping around to core concepts that forever speak to us in new ways.
Even now, I find new spheres of meaning in his words.
And it’s not because his words are some sort of golden pathway.
No, not at all.
It’s because new spheres of awareness were awakened within me.
… and so it goes.