The Araneobit project was at the Forum of Progressive Leaders "Valley of Technologies" in Innopolis!
November 17, the Federal Forum of Progressive Leaders was held at the University of Innopolis (Innopolis city, Tatarstan Republic). The representatives of the IT-industry are talking about the digital transformation of business. The results of the forum will be summed up on November 18. So if you are interested in this industry — you are welcome to join! You still won’t be late to listen to the most interesting reports and participate in the haсkaton!
The hackathon started at 5 pm, and finishes the next day — on Saturday. And so, we’re gonna have another sleepless night on the project workflow!
We’re the team of Araneobit programmers and here we are, participating in the hackathon. We were flying from Moscow to Kazan this early morning, creating a presentation at night, torturing the designer, checking the numbers for thousand times. All was done in order to present your bot, Araneobit, which helps sharing information and finding the necessary people. We’re gonna present our company and meet other colleagues. We are competing for the creation of the best prototype of chat-bots for solving digital and business problems of managers who have come to the forum.
Our adviser Rustam Davletbaev is on the list of speakers. He is one of the first men who has launched his own ICO in Russia. Rustam is the head of the center of distributed blockchain systems at the University of Innopolis, an economist, a crypto-evangelist, an organizer of “foresights”. One of the foresights was organized by Rustam for us in Moscow. His idea helped to find new insights and variations of development. In the "Valley of Technologies", Rustam is going to present his report: "Blockchain: Meaning and Values."
The main topics of the forum:
- technologies that will determine the business development for the next 5 years;
- management of innovation: how not to become an underdog, pursuing the digital progress;
- ensuring security when using new digital technologies;
- technologies that will transform your ideas about interaction with customers;
- information technology speeding up the company's work tenfold;
- management of the future, based on intellectual and ethical IT.
Participants will receive: discussions and foresight section on current trends, three workshops, six sessions and a round table on digital intellectual business.
Active discussions of the project are held in Telegram chat