The value of the man at home || قيمة الرجل في البيت

in #arab6 years ago

اليوم لولا وجود أبي لما استطاعت خمس نساء السفر ...أمي التي هي زوجته...عمتيي اللتين هما أختيه....جدتي التي هي أمه...و أختي التي هي إبنته...
ثم تأتي واحدة تطلب المساواة بين الرجال و النساء ...الرجال قاومون على النساء حبيتوا و لا كرهتوا ...هذا لايعني أن المرأة محتقرة أو مكانتها ناقصة بالعكس هي ملكة و أميرة ...ومكانتها محفوظة وحقوقها و واجباتها كذلك دون الولوج في ساحةالرجل ....طبعا الرجال الحقيقون وليس أشباه الرجال الذين إنتشروا في أيامنا هذه...المرأة تقرأ ...تكتب...تتعلم تربي...تعمل...تتزوج ..وتنجب..ولا مشكلة ولكنها تبقى دوما بحاجة إلى رجل ..يحميها...يفهمها...يقف الى جانبها ...يكون لها السند دون المساس بأحلامها وكرامتها...وإن كل إمرأة دون إستثناء قادرة على التخلي عن كل شيء من أجل الرجل الذي تحب، ربما هناك كثيرات تقلن أنها لن تتخلى من أجل رجل ..ستصمد و تقاوم...حبيبتي كلماتك و كل قناعاتك ستهتز عندما تلتقيه ...الرجل الذي يقلب الموازين و لا تنطبق عليه القناعات و القوانين...عندها ستقفين مكتوفه الأيدي و ستأخذين القرار بكل قواك العقلية و المشاعر القوية ..أنك سترضخين له لا محال...إذن فأعملي و إجتهدي ...تعلمي ..واقرأي كثيرا عيشي جميع تفاصيل حياتك....كل لا تندمي لا حقا و تحسني إختيار الرجل الذي سيقلب الموازين

Today, without my father's presence, five women would not be able to travel ... my mother, who is his wife ... my two daughters, my sisters ... my grandmother, who is his mother ... and my sister, who is his daughter ...
Then one comes asking for equality between men and women ... Men resisted women and loved and did not hate ... This does not mean that women are despised or inferior status, on the contrary is a queen and a princess ... and their status reserved and their rights and duties as well as without entering the arena man. Of course the real men and not the semi - men who spread in our days ... Women read ... write ... learn to raise ... work ... get married .. and find .. No problem but they always need a man. She protects her ... understands her ... stands beside her ... she has the bond without compromising her dreams and dignity ... and every woman without exception is able to give up everything for the man you love, Lord There are many who say that they will not give up for a man .. Struggle and resist ... Habibti your words and all your convictions will shake when you meet ... The man who turns the scales and does not apply to the convictions and laws ... Then stand idly by and you will take the decision With all your mental strength and strong feelings .. You will give him no place ... So my work and my efforts ... Learn .. And read a lot of live all the details of your life .... Do not regret not really and improve the selection of the man who will turn the scales ..

Today, without my father's presence, five women would not be able to travel ... my mother, who is his wife ... my two daughters, my sisters ... my grandmother, who is his mother ... and my sister , who is his daughter ...
Then one comes asking for equality between men and women ... Men resisted women and loved and did not hate ... This does not mean that women are despised or inferior status, on the contrary is a queen and a princess ... and their status reserved and their rights and duties as well as without entering the arena man. Of course the real men and not the semi - men who spread in our days ... Women read ... write ... learn to raise ... work ... get married .. and find .. No problem but they always need a man. She protects her ... understands her ... stands beside her ... she has the bond without compromising her dreams and dignity ... and every woman without exception is able to give up everything for the man you love, Lord There are many who say that they will not give up for a man .. Struggle and resist ... Habibti your words and all your convictions will shake when you meet ... The man who turns the scales and does not apply to the convictions and laws ...
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