SARI ZEBRA CHİCLİD (Cryptoheros Nanoluteus)
Ortak İsim:Sarı Zebra Cichlid
Bilimsel Adı:Cryptoheros Nanoluteus
Dağıtım:Orta Amerika
Beslenme :Omnivor(Etçil ve Otçul)
Mizaç :Bölgeci
Bakım:Bakımı kolay bir balıktır.Genellikle protein ağırlıklı gıdalarla gıdalarla beslenmelidir.Sebze diyeti mutlaka yapılmalıdır.Çiftleşme döneminde agresif bir balıktır..
Sıcaklık:22C - 27C
Maksimum Boy :11 cm
Cinsiyet :Erkekleri dişilere göre daha büyüktür.Dişinin dorsal yüzgeci üzerinde siyah bir nokta vardır.
Üretim :Alt yumurtlayıcıdır.Düz bir kaya üzerine yumurtalar bırakılır.Dişi yuvayı korurken, erkek de devriye gezer.
Varyansları :Ana renkler-Siyah, Sarı
Common Names: Yellow Convict
Archocentrus nanoluteus
Cichlasoma nanoluteus
Heros nanoluteus
Family: Cichlidae
Category: Cichlids
Distribution:America - Central; America - Central
Main Ecosystem:River; River
Temperament: Territorial; Territorial
Diet:Ominvore; A varied diet of meaty and veggies would be best.
Care: This is one of the more sensitive species amongst the Cryptoheros genus. The nanoluteus will probably not do well with fish that are more aggressive than they are. These fish would be best kept in pairs along with some small to medium sized livebearers.
pH: 7.2 - 8
Temperature: 22°C - 27°C 72°F - 81°F
Potential Size:
Male: 11.4cm (4.5")
Female: 8.9cm (3.5")
Water Region:Middle, Bottom; Middle-Bottom
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender:Males will grow larger and may form a slight hump while females have a distinctive black circle in the middle of the dorsal fin.
Breeding:Pairs will form and clean a spawning site. The female will guard the nest while the male patrols the surrounding area. These fish will become more territorial once they've spawned to protect the fry.
Comments: This fish is regarded as the most colorful of the Cryptoheros genus, but is not as hardy nor aggressive as its cousin the Convict cichlid. The vertical stripes will come and go depending on mood.
Main Colours:Black, Yellow
Markings:Striped Vertical