How to find a job at Air France?

in #applying7 years ago

Air France is the main French airline company and the second largest in Europe. With destinations on all continents, it has many employees who are as diverse in their functions as in their origins. Getting a job with Air France is done in several stages, and unlike many companies, it is done only online and afterwards, by collective selections.

Register on the Internet

Air France has a website, mainly dedicated to recruitment. You can find descriptions of the different trades that you can practice in this company, as well as job offers available, according to our profile and our research. Moreover, at the end of the registration, by entering our e-mail address, we can create an alert that informs us by e-mail, all the offers that correspond to our profile. This alert allows us to be aware of all the offers available on Air France.
However, even if Air France offers can be found through aeronautical sites, the passage to the Air France employment site is obligatory. On sites such as Air Carrer, Air emploi or Air Recruitment, you can have links to the Air France recruitment site.

Skip Selections

For several professions at Air France, you have to pass selections. Let's take the case of the steward profession, which is also quite representative of the selections at Air France.
Already, you must be allowed to pass the selections. One of these criteria is the level of education, language or professional experience.
Then you have to go through the selections. During selections, you can be many people for a few available positions, so to decide between candidates, you have to pass several tests.
If at the end of the selections, you are considered eligible, you will have an individual interview. During this one-on-one interview, we are asked several questions about our background and motivations.
At the end of this individual interview, we receive a reply, a few days later, which tells us whether or not we are hired at Air France.

The conclusion

To find a job at Air France, you don't have to do it as if you were applying spontaneously. You must register on a site entirely dedicated to recruitment and then make selections. Going through the selections does not ensure that we get a job because there can be many candidates for few positions.

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