
Our video delivery is working very well for some time now. Are you sure you aren't on 'Source' quality by default or something like that? Put yourself on 480p and everything will load fine.

If you are on source it would explain why some don't load, as the source files are sometimes not web-compatible.

Some of the videos load ok (takes a while, maybe roughly 8 seconds to start, but that's perfectly reasonable for a startup like yours), others are really bad and that's at 480

You are aware you compare to YouTube that is 15 years old? It took YouTube 5 years to launch 480p

Are you comparing to 2004 Internet? Agreed that good things take time but you really think that comparison still flies?
You think my 2004 iPad Pressario was somehow comparable to my 2019 phone?

There were many other issues in 2004 when it came to video.

"I am aware I compare to YouTube"?
Where did I make this comparison, I literally gave them leeway for being slow, lol, wtf?

You must have a bad Internet or something, of course you compare to YouTube as its the only other video site, and you need perspective, 15 years is YouTube

Most stuff is loading okay

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