How Apple Changed After Steve Jobs

in #apple8 years ago


I have always been very passionate about technology and thus I like to watch the tech world and everything that happens in it like a hawk. I have been doing it for quite a bit now and I must say, it is very exciting, partly because it helps you get a clearer picture of the future.

Apart from following the work of many independent researchers around the world, I also like to keep an eye out for the major tech companies of the world like Apple, Microsoft, Google and the likes.

Out of these companies, Apple has been one of my favourite ones. Ever since Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he turned around the fate of the company and today, it is the richest in terms of market capitalisation.

After Jobs passed away however, there have been a lot of changes in the way Apple operates and now it seems like a different company than it was under Jobs. Some of these changes are good and some bad.

1. A Gentler PR Image


If you have read about Steve Jobs or watched him in one of the movies, you will know that he was a difficult personality. He was ruthless and often acted as a bully. This has been said often by people who were close to him.

Since Jobs made Apple in his own image, Apple had a similar image. After Jobs passed away, Tim Cook, made sure that a more gentle image was constructed and shown to the world and since then they have toned down on a lot of things.

Now, Apple can be seen taking a stand for various causes like political issues (the FBI case), environmental issues (reducing carbon footprint), social causes (supporting the LGBTQ community).

All this has established more of a friendlier image of the company for sure.

2. Complicated Product Line


This is something that many people have noticed and are frustrated with. Simplicity was Jobs’ most treasured value, so much so that he hard coded it into the DNA of Apple itself.

In fact, he is known for axing almost all the products that Apple was selling as soon as he made his comeback in 1977. Therefore it may or may not come as a surprise that now they are doing too much in terms of product lines.

Now there are 3 iPhones, 3 iPads (with options in each), 3 Macbooks (with many options in each), iMacs and god known how many Apple watches. Also, there are several products like Mac mini and Mac pro which haven’t been updated for years!

The simplicity has been waning at Apple ever since Jobs passed away and it is evident from the product lines. The product themselves are still easy to use for the most part but they are simply doing too much.

3. Collaboration Over Competition


Jobs was infamous for creating a stressful atmosphere on purpose inside the company. He used to make teams and pit them against each other. He used to do the same with many company executives.

He believed that this led to the best ideas to come forward and bad ones to get filtered out. He used to push people to their breaking point and demanded more than 100% effort all the time.

Under Cook, the atmosphere is calmer as he prefers collaboration over competition. He even got the different teams within Apple to work together so that they could benefit from the synergy.

4. Slower Innovation


This one is also quite noticeable. Be it hardware releases or software, it seems like Apple is running a year late on everything. You can’t help but feel that if Steve Jobs was still alive, we would be getting products and services much faster than we are today. Not a lot of “One more thing” these days.

This was bound to happen of course because Tim Cook probably doesn’t push people to their breaking point which would mean slower developments but a more humane environment.

Also, Apple is buying far more companies than ever. Steve Jobs was not a big fan of buying technology in contrast to developing them in house as he believed it downplayed their ability to innovate. Tim Cook on the other hand, though a master at operations, is no visionary.

In the last 6 years, we have seen Apple buy more technology companies then ever. It even made the biggest deal ever in it’s history when it bought Beats at a whopping $3 billion.

5. Design


You can’t talk about Apple and not talk about design. From the get go, this company has all been about design, sometimes even design at the expense of functionality.

Apple’s attention to detail is still there and its products (hardware, software and services) are all still well designed and intuitive to use. This was one area that many were afraid Apple would lose their edge but Jony Ive (Chief Design Officer) and his team have held their own.

There is however some noticeable change in the form of an evolution in their design philosophy. The software has lost most of its skeuomorphism which Jobs was a fan of, and is now more ‘clean’.

Also, its retail stores are being redesigned for the modern era and they are getting a stunning looking new headquarters in the form of Apple Campus.

6. No Reality Distortion


Steve Jobs was famous for his reality distortion field, which basically means that he could even make the mundane sound like revolutionary. I am not saying that the products he unveiled weren’t revolutionary, but you get the point.

Steve Jobs was a master seller and when he was on stage introducing something new to the world, you couldn’t help but listen and watch in awe and immediately feel hyped about the products.

Now, their launch events are sort of lacklustre and they don’t have that “special energy” that they had before. I think the most recent example of this was when they launched the Apple Airpods.

I have heard a lot of people say that they didn’t feel like buying the products when they first saw it but when they got to experience it in person, they definitely went for it. This tells you that the products are still good but the way they sell them is just not magical anymore. Consumers don’t get that “want it now” feeling anymore.

7. Product Quality


Product quality is something that Apple has always been very serious about and even after 6 years of Steve’s departure, they have managed to keep the product quality very good, especially on the hardware side of the things.

On the software side of the things however, people have noticed that there are far more bugs and glitches than there were before and it raises some questions of their quality checks.

One big example is of the Maps debacle that we witnessed a few years back over which Scott Forstall, an Apple veteran and Job’s close ally, was fired.

At the time of Jobs, people were confident in the saying “it just works”. That was not always the case even then but still they were more confident about it. Today, “it just works” doesn’t work all the time.

Image Credits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Great article @sauravrungta!

Thanks for the multiple facets you expose about APPLE. I really appreciate the perspective. I have also owned a Mac Book Pro for many years now and have mostly been happy about it, but the softwares relating to it are getting worse, fast! That judgment has been unanimous around me too...

I'm about to buy myself an iPad Pro and still wonder if I should invest in something else since Apple seem to have been somehow losing track of it own quality track record.

Thanks again for the information, namaste :)

I am glad you like it. You are right in that they have largely ignored Mac OS and it shows in its quality. Maybe they are planning on a whole different software strategy in the future? Anyways, Steve's absence has hurt the company.

Apple is dead. You have the same quality product with Huawei and 30% price...

I wouldn't call them dead anytime soon. They are still the richest company in the world and are constantly producing phenomenal financial quarters. But yes, they do really need to up their games in comparison to the competitors who have all started to offer some amazing products!

I like to look at the future. I think in 5 years Apple value will be half or less the current value in usd.

Based on the rumours of the AI, autonomous cars, and a very secretive AR project, I think the 5 years from now look very promising. In the world of technology, nothing can be said for certain however. As always, time will tell.

Yes when people realize thar iPhone is a Scam cause they can get the same tech for 1/2 price the only revenue Apple will get will be air. And it is difficult to build the autonomous car using air. Nvidia is the company prepared for the self driving car...

I just found this incredibly interesting article. I am such an apple kind of girl by passion for design.

I didn't really understand that part:

The software has lost most of its skeuomorphism which Jobs was a fan of, and is now more ‘clean’.

Steve is greatly missed!

Thank you for the kind words :)

In that line I meant the way how the software has become more clean and modern. Remember when the ibooks app looked like a book shelf and the notes app looked like a real notebook? Skeuomorphism is "an element of a graphical user interface which mimics a physical object"

Steve is greatly missed indeed! :)

Thanks so much for explaining this word for me :) now I do understand

Really awesome and interesting article @sauravrungta

Bill Gate is one of the man that expert in technology

Of course he is! He didn't become the richest man for nothing :)
Thanks for reading!

yes, it does

Never liked them - but it's true that they've changed after steve passed away.

Yes, they surely have!

Great post, as photographer i feel apple products no longer caters to the creative as they once did. recently upgraded to a home made rig but run a windows operating system

You are correct. The pro community has been ignored in favour of the more general consumers. One big example is the Mac Pro which hasn't been updated in ages and the pro community has been asking for it for a long time.

Congrats, @sauravrungta! Excellent and clear.

Even Microsoft is seen to be more collaborative, accepting other platform to work with in recent years.

Yes, Microsoft has had a huge turn around after the ousting of Steve Ballmer. It will still be some time for Microsoft to truly shine in this new era of consumer tech but with great products on the horizon, especially the HoloLens, they have a very good chance.

solid points!

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