Remembering how Apple and Steve Jobs changed the world

in #apple6 years ago

Greetings friends of Steem!

I was thinking a bit and I came to the conclusion that, in the last 40 years few companies and few people have changed and revolutionized so much the world in which we live, as Apple and its visionary founder Steve Jobs.

In the 70's, computers were perceived as pieces of ultra-high technology, reserved only for laboratories, factories, banks and airlines, ie companies that needed a high capacity of information processing, and with sufficient economic resources to pay for their high price.

IBM, which by then was the world leader in office machines, started its own line of computers for the mass market, but they were also designed for large offices. They were bulky and heavy machines, whose modules occupied shelves and even entire rooms, which made it impossible to just use their abilities in small businesses or in the home.

While it is true that after the introduction of Intel 80XX Series chips came to the market some computers for domestic or personal use and small business, these were just basic circuits with only the processor, RAM and a very Simple graphical interface for viewing on an ordinary TV screen.

The concept of making a personal computer something really personal, useful for the common individual, with easy to use and understand programs, and above all with a friendly and intuitive graphic interface, is due to a very young and rebel employee of Atari Inc. This is Steven Paul Jobs, a restless young man with a very sui generi perception of life, who with his irreverent behavior, his immense creativity and overflowing genius, founded what would become the pioneer in the world of the personal computer: Apple Computer Inc.

It was in the company of his partner and friend Steve Wozniac, an ace of electronics who had worked for HP, which in 1976 invented the Apple I that would serve as the basis for the great commercial success called Apple II of 1977. By 1979 Apple was increasing its earnings of sales of the Apple II exponentially, so Jobs decided to start a new model designed with everything that he intuited should incorporate a modern personal computer, would be the Apple LISA, but the high level of perfection that Steve was looking for, greatly increased the costs of design and future sale, something that did not please the board of directors that had recently been formed since Apple began to quote its shares in the stock market in 1980.

This is how Steve Jobs receives the first blow from the directors of his own company, who decide to exclude him from the LISA project and relegate him to only being a consultant. After this episode he would be involved in the development of another commercial success of the company, the Apple Macintosh, but it is there when he receives the second and hardest hit, which results in the total exclusion of Steve from the board of directors and the design teams, being replaced by who he had selected to be in charge of the advertising and marketing department.

After this departure from Apple, Steve Jobs was dedicated to create a high-end software company called NeXT, as well as one of the founders of Pixar Studios with the supergene George Lucas.

Over the years, Apple without the creativity of its original creator was lagging behind other computer companies, to the point of being on the verge of bankruptcy. For this reason Gil Amelio, CEO of the board of directors, decides to call Jobs and offer him an alliance with NeXT, offering him also to belong again to the board of directors; Steve accepts and then with the support of the rest of the board members he becomes CEO after the immediate departure of Amelio.

With this return, the process of modernization and re-launch of Apple is undertaken, focusing it towards a market more attached to Steve's vision to make computers more than a simple office equipment and turn them into an extension of the human being. For this he counted on the invaluable help of the industrial designer Jonathan Ive, together with an extraordinary team of design and development who are responsible for the creation of products that today are the pattern to follow in the field of electronic devices.

Computers like the iMac kicked off the commercialization of other all-in-one style computers, the portable iPod player was the pioneer of portable media players, the iPad began the fever of the Tablet and the undisputed success of the iPhone touch phone promoted the boom of phones without a keyboard.

Unfortunately, that visionary genius has already left with the Creator in 2011, but his legacy is undeniable. Currently, Apple is the largest electronics company in the world and is the second company that produces more mobile phones only below its rival Samsung.

Steven Paul Jobs will always live in each of the Apple products that he will develop at the time and will also live in his philosophy bequeathed to his followers.

I hope that this fascinating story is of your complete pleasure and remember that, in a certain way every time you use a mobile phone or a computer you will be using an idea from Steve.

Source of Information: a  

Source of Images:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7  


The 3 apples that changed the world; the one that Eve ate; the one that hit Newton on the head and the one that Steve Jobs built ;)

LOL I had never thinked about that interesting fact! Very true! Thank you!

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