«🇬🇧|🇩🇪»⚖️The difference between "HAVE ANXIETY" and "DEAL WITH THIS ANXIETY" will ...
... make you a winner
Do that for a year and then tell me if you stayed the same person. Probably not, not even almost, not even slightly ...
I love this thrill outside the comfort zone - the feeling of it is even hotter! The result
When was the last time you did something that you were afraid of? Write it in the comments.
⚖️Der Unterschied zwischen "ANGST HABEN" und "TROTZ DIESER ANGST ZU HANDELN" formt aus dir eine/n Gewinner/in
Mach das ein Jahr und sag mir dann, ob du die gleiche Person geblieben bist. Vermutlich nicht, nicht mal fast, nicht mal ansatzweise...
Ich liebe diesen Nervenkitzel ausserhalb der Komfortzone - noch geiler ist das Gefühl danach! Das Resultat
Wann hast du letztens etwas gemacht, wovor du Angst hattest? Schreib es in die Kommentare.
stepping outside of the comfort zone is not that easy takes a lot of courage but after that the journey is incredible 😀
It‘s make you stronger
And we want winners
We are winners
always afraid of doing something new because you don't know what will be the outcome people often not back you up with most of the things in life but you have to take your call :)
nothing to lose🤙
Have to do something this time around to see how the outcome will be will be a cool experiment to do 😊