Why Am I So Serious? Lol I am either here for the Grammy performances as I walk ...
... through the red carpet experience, or I can pass as a mean, no nonsense private security guard. I choose the former, but in terms of seriousness, I definitely take music very seriously but I always know how to have fun. Be prepared for a new song performance soon. Progress update so far on my SongBook Life Goal. I‘ve gotten 5 Full Original Songs all organized, laid out and backed up on 5 different emails so I can access them anywhere and everywhere at anytime with internet access. 195 more Songs to edit, finalize, and map out accordingly. And no surprise here... I am currently working on three more songs. The music creation is an endless realm of possibilities... :)&category=music&hashtags=lifestyle+grammys+fashion+purpose&author=verbal-d&profileImageUrl=https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/appics-content/profileImages/2607-1573672354989-640&permlink=appics-v1-appics-im-94192)
Wow, thats fantastic! Although im now retired early I am a Security guard and would kill for that job, lol!! Keep up the great work my friend and have a awesome week!
Thanks 😊 Karen, sorry I took so long to reply life is not easy with 3 Kids LOL
You sing? Please i'd love to listen to some of your songs!
Yes I am a musician... I plan to share more of my music 🎵 coming soon... Thanks