The aftermath of the first snow. Look at all those trees we had to cut off the line ...
... last weekend. What a mess!! This is just one 300 foot span out of many we had to clear off. The homeowner is excited for springtime so he can chop ALL of these trees down. HAHAHA That’s my kind of guy :wink:wink. Anyway, we had to make another run up there and cut out of the safety meeting early. There were a couple more trees that decided to lean over into the lines. Thankfully they just landed on the neutral and didn’t cause and outage. I started getting a little carried away and just kept cutting. oops my bad....
A man and his chainsaw huh? I guess once that chain starts turning a bloke doesn't know when to stop. 😂
It’s one of those oddly satisfying things... I really like it when I cut big branches off and watch them fall 40-50 feet to the ground. Now that is a good time. Lol
Not much in life better than operating a chain saw and cutting stuff up...Except maybe doing so whilst having a beer and corn chips...Just kidding of course...Kinda. 🤣🙈
Ain’t nothing wrong with crackin’ a cold one. 😉
Amen on that!
Do you get nervous about homeowners taking matters into their own hands and cutting down trees near the lines?
My neighborhood is in some sort of "owner maintained" agreement with Eversource that means we're supposed to maintain the access and trim brush ourselves. I don't fully understand how it works but my neighbor comes around once in a while to ask for money so he can go cut things down. I only know that every time there's a storm we are literally the last people in the state to have their power back. I mean, I always have to check the website where it says no outages in the state and then call to remind them we're still here.
Thank God for the generator. I found my grandfather's old double male-ended "suicide cord" which he used to plug it into the drier outlet but so far we've just opted for running extensions cords all over the house because I didn't want to electrocute any of you guys (or ourselves!)
We don’t encourage homeowners to just go cutting trees down close to the powerlines. We have a tree trimming program, that every year we hire a tree trimming company to come in and clean the right-of-way. It’s amazing how many people don’t want you to trim their trees. I guess they would rather have a long power outage. Lol. We do our own tree permitting, so we drive out the whole system looking for problem areas. We do a lot more than most utilities do. Keeps the brush cleared underneath is one thing, but cutting down tall trees... I don’t recommend it unless you hire some professionals.
Must have been one heck of a snow storm.
About 2 feet of snow and some strong winds. The snow was a really heavy snow that stuck to everything.