Hello, thanks for joining APPICS. We appreciate having you here, however we only allow people to post content that they own all the rights to - no plagiarism of any kind is allowed.
Please verify yourself in order to prove that this is really YOU posting on Appics!
You can do that by sharing the link of your official Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account and we will contact you there!
This way we can make sure that you are not just posting pictures you found on the internet, but rather it's really you posting and creating content on APPICS.
Keep in mind that you need to OWN all of the content that you post - if you post plagiarized content, and don’t verify yourself, we will flag all your upcoming posts.
This will result in all the posts being invisible on the platform and being stripped from rewards. So please verify yourself before you continue posting. If you ignore this warning, your upcoming posts will be flagged! You can message me for any questions. Thank you!
Hello, thanks for joining APPICS. We appreciate having you here, however we only allow people to post content that they own all the rights to - no plagiarism of any kind is allowed.
Please verify yourself in order to prove that this is really YOU posting on Appics!
You can do that by sharing the link of your official Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account and we will contact you there!
This way we can make sure that you are not just posting pictures you found on the internet, but rather it's really you posting and creating content on APPICS.
Keep in mind that you need to OWN all of the content that you post - if you post plagiarized content, and don’t verify yourself, we will flag all your upcoming posts.
This will result in all the posts being invisible on the platform and being stripped from rewards. So please verify yourself before you continue posting. If you ignore this warning, your upcoming posts will be flagged! You can message me for any questions. Thank you!
And how do i share the link of my Facebook? Here on this post?
And also, how is “linking my Facebook” going to prove that those mussels picture has been taken by me?
I just send you a massage on Facebook. The link provided on your APPICS profile. Check out your facebook inbox please.
Do you mean Facebook messenger? Im sorry but i havent received any message