360 Degree Lightpainting Loop #14
This is an animated light painting Picture, taken at the Lightpainters United Meet-up in Berlin, with a 360 degree camera.
How it’s created:
At a meeting with so many international artists, a group photo should of course not be missing. An old malt house offered us the ideal opportunity.
We were in a huge hall with a large recess in the middle and in this I positioned myself in the middle with my 360 degree camera. To light the scene, I placed a green flashlight with a narrow beam in the corner. The models positioned themselves on the edge and were illuminated from behind with a large orange flashlight. As always, of course, with a good dose of fog from a machine.
During the 60 Seconds exposure, I turned the camera 45 degrees in 8 steps and covered the lens between each step during the rotation. Open-close-open-closed..... Finished.
Many thanks again to the participants and special thanks to the models Phil Fisher, Kim Von Coels, Jannis Sid and Mart Barras.
Enjoy the loop!
Find more Lightpainting artists at Lightpainters United
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