Affiliate will change the advertising space with stake holders on decentralised networks. Imagining that prepaid ads will be replaced by affiliate smart contracts, eliminating that middleman corporation can incentivize individuals and empower them to use networks that distribute this value in community driven efforts to promote utility. So powerful!
Thank you. I will try and sign up.
Hmmmm....I might want to learn about ctp, and how you've brought affiliate marketing to the scene. What is the best post to give me a rundown?
Go right to the source :) ;)
Affiliate will change the advertising space with stake holders on decentralised networks. Imagining that prepaid ads will be replaced by affiliate smart contracts, eliminating that middleman corporation can incentivize individuals and empower them to use networks that distribute this value in community driven efforts to promote utility. So powerful!
Love that way that sounds!
Quality! 😀