I’m a proud Uncle. I can’t believe he is 5 weeks old already. Time sure flies! I ...
... don’t think I will ever be pro at holding these little things but I guess aslong as I don’t drop them and they don’t cry I’m doing something right :)&category=lifestyle&hashtags=exyle+palnet&author=exyle&profileImageUrl=https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/backend-alpha-kw-8/profileImages/516-640&permlink=alpha-kw-8-appics-im-32421)
Did you make him a steemit account gift for his retirement plan?
Haha, yeah, I'm doing something like that.
Even if they cry, it doesn't mean you are doing something wrong :) Sometimes they just cry. It's the way the world works :) Hold him tight, as you said, time flies fast.
Thanks for the tips man!
You know that you are a professional Uncle Hodler though!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yeah Uncle Hodler is easier!
It’s great to be an uncle! Be sure to buy him tons of Bitcoin and Steem! 😂
Posted using Partiko iOS
As long as you don't hold them upside down they tend to be fine :)
Absolutely, awesome to be a great uncle 👍
Posted using Partiko Android
Awww... so precious, @exyle😍!
Posted using Partiko iOS
5 weeks seems old enough to receive a Bitcoin wallet from his uncle.
You are a lovely uncle
Posted using Partiko Android
My family suspects of a baby coming, so I believe within the next year I will be in the same position... :D
Enjoy it man! It's fun.