Dry suit snorkelling between the Atlantic and Eurasia tectonic plates in the Silfra ...
... Ridge in Iceland. being that this was a glacial lake, was definitely the coldest water I’ve ever gone snorkelling in. 2 degrees will shrink everything :)&category=lifestyle&hashtags=iceland+silfra+continent+photography&author=cryptocreative&profileImageUrl=https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/appics-content/profileImages/2527-1580495336829-640&permlink=appics-v1-appics-im-107266)
Wow 2 degrees. Yikes 😱
How long did you stay in? That is sooooooo cold
45 minutes. We were wearing dry suits but had wetsuit gloves and shoes so my hands and feet felt invisible within a minute. I could have stayed in there longer as it was just amazing. Took about a day to regain feeling in a couple of fingers and toes. Highly recommended 🙂