🦠 So tell me about the Coronavirus... Do you think is something natural or of there ...

in #appics4 years ago

... is something behind it? I've read/watched so many things that I don't know what to believe anymore. 🙄

Hablemos del Coronavirus... ¿Creen que es algo natural o creado? Con tantas cosas que la gente comparte no se que creer. 💡🤪


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It's very simple...

  1. We find a vaccin soon!!!


  1. Death or a life-long infirmity.

This is a virus, nothing can stop it. There is no immunity, the virus will always stay with you, your immune system can slow it down, or meds can try to keep it in check, but its a lost battle and a lost war. This virus mutates, and its a killer virus. Think HIV ... once you got it, you will die because of it.

So our only chances are, total lock-down, social distancing, keep in shape. And hope they find a vaccin soon that kills the thing.

Buen post, lo mejor es mantener la calma saludos

a lot of country affected by covid19 now, how about your place now?

We have 1,988. They will announce more today. I can't wait for this to be over.

yes, I hope this finishes quickly, what is the name of your area?

oya, nice to know you, i hope you always healthy

Totally believe this was very intentional.

I know right? Suspicious

I believe it was intentional, or some type of huge test on a smaller scale to be prepared for if a big virus is released on the world by terrorists we will be more prepared to deal with it on a much larger scale! But who knows...

That makes sense. I really think this is not natural. Something is going on...

Can you imagine what would happen if the whole world found out we were all being used in some sort of test! And innocent people died because of it.

So beautiful dear 😗😗😘😘

I believe that this is a weapon that accidentally or intentionally burst out.🤪

Yeap, I started to believe. How is your country doing? You guys are next to Russia, they are very strict with the quarantine

We want to declare default and state of emergency🤪We stay home, hope soon everything be ok to all world❤️Be safe🏡

Yeap, us too. Stay safe 🙏

on that note, this was an interesting read ..
The coronavirus did not escape from a lab. Here's how we know.

We still live in a world of terrorism sadly enough, so its not a stretch to think this way.

government being the biggest culprit of it 😉if evidence were uncovered one day to support such a narrative I would not be shocked in the slightest

I think that a lot of people want to see all kinds of conspiracies. I think that it shows us clearly that we live in a world where the privileged thrive. It shows us the injustices in our social system, shows us that most of the world has a lousy health care system, it shows that a lot of people live very unhealthy lives, it shows that the “economy” is a joke and not build on sustainability and it shows that we need to create a much better system. One based on sustainability and not on exploitation- of people, the earth...

We also still live in a world of terrorism sadly enough...

Caused by all that I mentioned above

too much ignorance floating around about corona 😭 😭

People are allow to believe whatever they want, even if it the virus cames from Aliens.

hence the ignorance 🙂😉

Agreed! Its one of the only freedoms we actually have these days!

Yes there is a lit of that for sure, but a lot is not being said and kept secret, so people after a while start to wonder...maybe in the future we will find out exactly and truthfully what happened, but I have my doubts.

there are at times going to be natural diseases and of course they are bound to adapt to our mass use of antibiotics and antibacterial wipes etc..even if they had proof it was gov behind it, I believe ppl will still be begging them in masses to control their lives ¯_(ツ)_/ ¯ so who cares really

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