3 Apps To Make Money Online While You Sleep

in #app7 years ago

hey what is up this is Juliana
let me ask this if you have a smartphone
like an iPhone or an Android phone and
you want to make some money while you're
sleeping and you can do it without
pretty much doing anything I'm going to
show you right here on this video now
this isn't gonna make you crazy amounts
of money but it's can allow you to make
some extra money on this side now if you
want to get some information on passive
income two or three hundred dollars
consistently on a daily basis we'll
click on the link in the description
below because I'm gonna give you my
number one recommended opportunity right
here right now and also I come out with
great new videos for you on a daily
basis work from home you know make money
online different types of businesses so
make sure that you hit that subscribe
button below and then hit that Bell
because it's gonna notify you every time
that I come out with a new video and I
definitely don't want you to miss any
the videos that I come out with to you
so let's jump right into this so this is
three apps that's gonna make you online
and make you money online while you
sleep and do nothing okay so really
these are gonna be three apps now if you
have a smartphone you're gonna have an
Android phone or if you have an iPhone
this is gonna work if you don't have an
Android phone they're very inexpensive
to pick up now you can pick them up
pretty much anywhere if you have a
tablet this is also gonna work so if you
have a smart phone I mean like if you
have a iPad this will work if you have a
Android you know smart tablet this will
also work just as good it doesn't have
to be just a particular smartphone just
anything that allows you to download iOS
apps and that could be you know
smartphone that could be could be iPhone
that could be an eye you know iPad and
then with Android it could be any type
of Android phone or it could be any type
of Android tablet that's will work okay
so let's jump right into the first one
so the first one was gonna be a smart
panel now you can go to the website
smart panel dial and you'll see the
website that pops up here now what smart
panel is is it's gonna app that's going
to put down onto your website and you
actually get five dollars just for
signing up through the app but they're
gonna put this app onto your phone and
then you forget about it you don't have
to worry about anymore
what its gonna do it is just it's just
going to collect some data on different
things that you do whether it be it's
you know whether you download games with
you play games what kind of time it's
you're on there now they're not going to
take any type of data that's gonna be
private to you all they all they're
looking to do is get some information on
maybe the amount of time that you're on
with the phone what kind of apps you're
downloading the most what you're what
you're playing with that's all it is and
they're just trying to get some data on
that that's all they're all they're
trying to collect on that so you can
join up you can come to the website and
you can just sign up right here and then
what they're gonna do is once you sign
up when you come to the website they're
gonna send you a link to download both
the iOS and the Android app and they'll
tell you here's how you you know it
turns out you installed the iOS app onto
your phone right here so it'll give you
some information they'll give you the
link and a welcome email right here and
then you download link and you install
it to your iOS device and you'll have to
do that from your phone you can't really
do it from your computer and then also
you can go to the Google Play Store
where just you'll see the smart panel
app okay so again this is gonna be a
very easy app that you'll gonna all
you're gonna do is just download it and
then it's just gonna collect some data
on what you're doing online it's not
gonna it's not going to you know it's
not going to take any privacy or you
know anything like that from your phone
and what they're gonna do is as you use
your phone they're gonna give you reward
points and you can redeem those work
reward points for either gift cards or
through PayPal so you're gonna get
loyalty rewards right here okay so and
you'll see down here at the bottom it
shows you the amount of money that you
could be making with this app again this
is an app they're just gonna work in the
background you don't have to do anything
with it the next one is gonna be a pair
of busts okay it's called para bus now
this is I really like this one because
what this does is it actually goes into
your phone and it goes and it finds all
the things that you purchased on your
phone and it gives you rebates from
these stores a lot of these stores give
out basically give out rebates and if
you don't know that the rebates are
available to you
you'll miss out on the rebates and so
what they do what this app does is it
will actually go into your past buying
whether it be Best Buy would be Amazon
whether it be all of the stores online
that you buy stuff from and they'll look
and say okay you you bought a TV and and
let's say the TV was $300 you might have
got a rebate from that and they'll send
you back maybe $40 before that purchase
right there so again this is something
that you just put on there it goes
through your phone and it finds your
purchases and it'll just automatically
send you a refund to you know just
basically send out the money to you
which is really easy money because you
don't have to do a whole lot so they're
gonna have an app on the app store here
so you can just go to the app store and
you'll find the paribus app right there
ready to go onto your iOS device okay so
again this is one it just it just goes
back and finds everything that you
purchased and it's gonna give you money
back so you might as well do that and
then going forward anytime you make a
purchase it's gonna say okay there's a
rebate on this purchase they're gonna
send you that money so this is something
that is working in the background you
don't have to worry about doing anything
it's it's doing everything for you and
the last one is gonna be stashed not
really like stash if you go to stash
invest calm I really like stash because
what it does is it works in the
background for you and it takes the
money that you make and it's going to
invest it for you and it's going to
invest it into programs that maybe
you're not really savvy about but stash
is gonna take it and will invest it and
I'm just gonna make you money while
you're sleeping doing nothing okay you
know investing is one of the best ways
to earn money it's the best way to get
your money to work for you so stash is a
very good program online very good app
that you can get now you can get this
through the app store okay so stash so
you can get it right on the iOS App
Store it's gonna do everything for you
you don't have to worry about what
you're gonna invest in you just throw
you know you put some money into this
app and it does the work for you stash
has been around a long time they're very
secure okay they're very secure they're
you know transparent okay they're up
front they're not going to to do
anything shady they're gonna actually
invest for you and then once you start
earning money from your money that's
when you can start really start and when
it starts to multiply you sort of seeing
money coming in that's going to be
really good for you and then you can
also get it on to the Google Play Store
okay so stash is a great way to earn
income so that's three apps it's then
that are gonna work for you in the
background they're gonna be making money
for you and pretty much for doing
nothing now if you do want to get some
passive income maybe a little more money
coming into you on a consistent daily
basis click on the link in the
description below because I'm gonna give
you my number one recommended
opportunity right here online if you
like this video click on the like button
also share it with your friends comment
below let me know how I can help you and
your success online this is Tyler Pratt
I hope you enjoyed that we'll see you on
the next one
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