3 different mobile applications to sleep at night.
Only the importance of sleeping in busy life is understood by that, even after hard work, both the parties can not sleep peace in the night. To survive in today's competitive world, you must always be healthy, vigorous and vigorous. So there is no alternative to sleeping.
We usually go through two types of sleep-
Non-Rapid Eye Movement and
Rapid Eye Movement.
We are in deep sleep at NREM, which is very much needed for us. During our deep sleep, our short-lived memories became chronic memories. Besides, deep sleep is also helpful for the adults from the child, and this time we have new cells in our body and the repair of the old cells.
We need to do some work for him when he needs so much sleep. At present, you can easily get many applications in your Android or iPhone, which are specially designed to keep you from sleeping like you. Let's discuss more about the five popular applications among them.
Slip bicycle
Google Play Rating - 4.5 / 5.0
You need to know about slip bikes
We passed some bike or cycle in sleep. The first bike to sleep is 'light sleeping'. When we dream, it goes to Rapid Eye Movement or REM. That means that your eyes often move. If you are not uncommon, do not spend the whole night sleeping in the middle of the night, we are able to pass some steps between sleeping and every step is usually 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, we returned to sleep for 7-8 hours.
Slip bikes try to hold this sleeping round of your vocabulary, by monitoring the movement of your body in words, vibrations, and night bed. Each step changes our body movement. This application keeps track of what type of movement you are using.
This app awakens you in the time you are sleeping so that you do not woke up suddenly. When you wake up from a deep sleep, it takes a lot of time for your body to cope.
Keep the mobile microphone facing your bed for sound and movement. There are also some snooze or pause options. Its 'Intelligent Snooze' option automatically reduces every time the snooze, which is helpful for you to wake up slowly.
Google Play Rating - 4.3 / 5.0
This PGGE is a unique application in technology. Author Harry Potter Who Rolling also uses this app. It uses two types of functions - a loud sound and some binaral bits or words. The word binaral is a word that is composed of words of different frequencies. It will play two types of bits in your ears and will continue with 'Relaxing voice-over'.
It benefits two types-
100 billion words can be made in this app; As a result, your brain will never get accustomed to just one or two words
Scientists think that playing two different types of sounds in the two ears increases your brain's size.
Initially, this app was run on two separate systems. One of them was Piziz Energizer and another Piggy slip. You can sleep with a power nap or small sleeper and complete a complete sleep at PG slip. There are two working modules in the current PG apps. Just go to the settings and you can take a nap or you can sleep all night.
After a period of power nap, the 'Relaxing Voices' will wake you up. In the case of slips, the app will play an alarm according to the normal alarm clock on your mobile.
You can reduce or decrease the time and intensity of these words if you want. It's much easier to run and commented that a large number of users have benefited from this app.
Slip genius
Google Play Rating- 3.8 / 5.0
Slip genius
Slip Genius is considered to be more scientific than any other app in sleeping. It is said that this app is specially designed for NASA astronauts sleeping. In other apps where your sleep pattern is captured with your body movements and different external aspects, the matter is more individualized in slip genius. Sound and vibration can not be mobile at all. In that case, it is very normal for the wrong information to arrive in sleep pattern.
That is why Slip Genius will send you a question-and-answer episode via e-mail every week. It will have questions related to your sleeping quality, sleep quality, etc., which allows the app to understand which type of system should be used in your case.
The kind of music you are hearing here is made by neuroscientists. Neurosensory algorithms, punk noise, maltiband bineral bits, and psychoacutic music- your brain is trained through these four types of words combinations. By listening for 2-3 months continuously, your brain will fall asleep on a special term, and it will wake up on a special word.
In the wake of this app, this app uses a feature called 'Revive Bicycle Alarms'. Here, like other apps, awaken through a few breaks, not stirring at once; But the slip genius will be alarmed every 5 minutes and the intensity of the alarm word will change every time itself.