The Home Doctor - Practical Medicine for Every Household
Acne is a skin condition that is very common, yet poorly understood. A majority of treatments available for acne are very harsh and can lead to unpleasant side effects. It's good to try a hand on home based remedies that are mainly herbal in nature, some of them being as good as other drugs, with absolutely no side effects.
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Prepare a paste of nutmegs in un-boiled milk and smear it on the acne. In a matter of few days, pimples would disappear without leaving behind any scar.
Add one teaspoonful of cinnamon powder to three tablespoons of honey. Make it into a paste. This paste must be applied daily prior to going to bed and must be washed off the next morning with luke warm water. This procedure must be continued regularly for about two weeks to get rid of the pimples forever.
Prepare a mixture of equal parts of lemon juice and cinnamon powder in the desired quantity and apply the mixture to your face.
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Make a fine paste of orange peels with little water and apply it on the pimples and its surrounding areas.
Application of fresh garlic juice on the pimples would help the pimples disappear without leaving any scar behind.
Occurrence of Blackheads and pimple can be avoided by applying a mixture made of equal proportions of groundnut oil and fresh lime juice.
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Mint is helpful in many ways. Skin disorders like pimples, eczema, scabies and insect stings can be effectively treated by applying fresh mint juice on the face every night.
Keep pimples, blackheads and wrinkles at bay by regular application of fresh fenugreek leaves paste every night for about quarter an hour and then washing your face with luke warm water.
Make a paste of raw papaya along with its skin and seeds and then apply the paste on the swollen pimples to reduce them.
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Prepare a natural face wash of fresh lime juice and boiled milk and use it to reduce pimples.
Apply a mixture of equal parts of lime juice and rose water and keep it on your face for about 20 - 30 minutes before washing it off with lukemarm water.
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Apply the pulp of ripened tomatoes on the pimples and keep it for about an hour before washing it off.
And, a unique method to Get Rid of Acne click here: once and for all can be found on my site. Click here click here: find out how YOU can start re-balancing your body today and start the path to lasting clear skin.
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