Of Eagles and Serpents.
Ive heard it called the story of our lives, throughout all of recorded history humanity has been embroiled in a great false dialectical struggle of two powers that lay claim to the title of civilization. Indeed the lore of civilization and how it came to be is fraught across all cultures of a War of the gods, or perhaps more accurately: highly Magically/ technologically empowered factions engaged in warfare triggering the sinking of continents and a climate cataclysm. This lead to the Last ice age, and the subsequent reboot of civilization as it is largely known today as originating 6,000 years ago across all continents, where the Archetypal forces of the Eagle and the Serpent rose again, and through the cycles of civilizations continued to rise and fall. The threads of these factions can be traced In the iconography and symbolism of every culture, where historically one or the other was dominant, leading to a larger eastern/ western Schism.
In the Sumerian Creation myths, of the brothers Enlil and Enki It was Enlil as the legitimate heir to the throne of Anu their Father who was the lead commander of the beings known as the Anunaki (Those Who From the Heaven to Earth came). He and his followers were identified with the symbol of the Eagle.
Down through the ages the Eagle has been the symbol of empire, orthodoxy, the will to power, but also sovereignty, loyalty, freedom of movement, patriarchy, structure and order, a Symbol associated with architecture as an architect’s plans display a birds eye view of what is to be built.
The Brother Enki who was older, But Illegitimate to the throne of Anu, Took a closer approach to the workings of the earth, and the beings that inhabited it, For he brought fire to the minds of Men, and attempted to educate certain portions of the population.
This greatly distressed his brother who wanted humanity to remain ignorant of their divinity so as to be better slaves for the resource operations of the Eagle. The main Resource being gold which The annunaki sought voraciously and is the reason why Gold was so highly prized by ancient civilizations and remains such a valuable metal today.
The followers of Enki were identified with that of the Serpent. and the Snake Continues on Today as the symbol of Chaos and Deceit, but also of Knowledge, wisdom and Sexuality
The Dichotomous nature of the serpent as a totem can not be under stressed as it bestows upon the Person of the serpent the seething Knowledge of a very certain choice: Will the internal serpent rise or will it descend? In other words Will the being in question Retain internal mastery of their Life force and thus cultivate its Spirit and gain Knowledge and empowerment or will the Spirit be lost to the being expelled for the sake of more worldly desire? The Kudabuffer or infernal serpent being the pathway to vice the transgression of Integrity and Karmic Law. Or the path of the Kudalini the Rising serpent, the pathway to virtue, truth, and empowered understanding.
For this reason Enlil, Zeus or Jehovah sought to keep humanity Naive fearing humanities misuse of this power. And is why Orthodox religion emphasizes sexual repression. Can it not be argued that one of the leading causes to the decline of the Roman civilization was the peoples proclivity to misuse their sexual energy?
Today, Crashing through the Murky Grime stained Windows of postmodern nihilism again Humanity Finds its self symbolically caught up in This fight between the fell Screeching eagle and the infernal serpent evident in all of the major avenues in what we call Civilization, Religion, economy, government, politics, science, art and wider culture. With each avenue a False Dialectical choice is Foisted onto us almost from birth, which by way of traumatic biding keeps many ensnared in this ongoing Ancestral fight doomed to folly. No where more obvious is this struggle exhibited Then in the modern political charade of the Neo con and Neo Lib. The fell eagle Screeches! We need Orthodoxy, Walls, Borders, War, militarily police, and Corporate Fascism.
The Infernal serpent hisses we need Taxation, Regulation of the earths resources, Secularization Forced Equity, Marxist Socialism. And the corruption of sexuality.
Of course this leads to a deplorable synthesis of behavior an Inversion of what it is we Truly want. Like all polarizing dialectics the two sides feed off of each other each becoming more certain and extreme in their rhetoric in reaction to their opposition.
Lets be honest If the government is controlled by corporations, or enterprise controlled by the government would the Result be any different then the current Communo-fassict, Oligarchical, Occult, Technocracy we have today? This is the Modern Intelligence test of our time and its conquered by extreme non compliance, with either side of the agenda.
Beyond the more localized political struggles a more concerning problem is the war in Ukraine which could drag the rest of the world into a larger conflict between the east the west with China and its long history and reverence of the dragon and the united states with its Eagle heraldry.
In a choice between two evils it's wise not to choose either and Instead choose to be the still point in an ever turning world. Break free of this cultural shell game. Reclaim the archetype of The Feathered Serpent, an empowered Synthesis from the good attributes of each Totem, combined to a being who is at once Sovereign and Wise, healing and Self determining, loyal to both the Earth and Sky.