RE: My MF Rant: Smiley faces, vlogging irresponsibly, trying to compete with others - the hardest video on vlogging in the history of vlogging, son!
Lol I didn't mean to keep you up that night! I appreciate you for giving it a listen - this was more like addressing vloggers rather than attempting to vlog my self. I sometimes watch vloggers because I'm interested in the locations or the things they do out there....But not when it feels plastic and forced.
The more people speak the truth the more likely things are going to change for the better.
I was afraid of doing that for alooong time. Or rather, couldn't bother arguing my point across. But the more I live the more I realise that sometimes, just sometimes, we need show our teeth so to speak...
If they are they scare the crap out of me as they are pushing down their real emotions.
haha yeah, that can lead to dangerous breakdowns somewhere down the road...