Old Toys And An Upcoming Market
As time passes through our minds we often find ourselves relating to our past experiences in many different ways. Some people are drawn to their memories by things like cars, food or even toys. I have the great privilege to have a very good friend that is collector of the very nostalgic trade and upcoming market for vintage or antique toys.
Searching for vintage toys is apparently a hugely exciting part of the fun. Mr. Jones seems not only excited about finding a new toys truck but down right thrilled at times. He loves what he does and this essence and joy will prove that. Some of the collectables are as old as 100 years or more, and the majority of them are extremely rare. From larger toys to the smallest parts nearly all are metal. A fee of these treasures even have working parts such as headlights.
Once every so often he makes repairs and might have to find parts that can be nearly impossible to locate. Spending the time cleaning up each collectable with detail and the proper tools is another important part of this man's work.
The market for vintage or antique toys is surprisingly much bigger than one might expect, and it seems to me that it is going to possibly grow more in the very near future. You might consider looking around in the attic or your basement for some of these treasures from playtimes good 'ol' days and join the fun while possibly making a few dollars as well.
Mr. Jones and his passion for the work that he does reminds me of a quote from Confucius..... Find something that you love to do and you will never work another day again. I'm also a bit reminded of myself and Rain Drop Hound Dog....as we both enjoy ourselves on the trail taking pictures and documenting our adventures.
Thank you for reading
Contact information is available for purchase, trade and appraisal.
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