These lights can be affixed to the wall with a nail, because it has provided a perforated metal plate side.
Made in earlier times this nice green oil is clear, unlike the artificial now that many air bubbles. Threaded, or a wick, or kenir made of brass, the brand all kinds, there Asahi,
Antique chandelier blue with logo Camerco in a bowl. Round axis branded Asahi.
To my knowledge this lamp has several names including,
kerosene lamps, wall lamps, wall lamps and lights outboard .
This lamp has been a bit quite modern apart because of a more practical light sentir can be incorporated into the home, and not like a torch light candlesticks or lamps cemprong have a protective order apai not be extinguished and the fire is creeping burn houses (houses ancient times are still using wood / board) , But the light is the same as the torch still use kerosene fuel.
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nyan jeut neblo saboh kadang hana trep le akan maju lom panyet nyan,,
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