Putin Exposes The Deep State, An End to Water Fluoridation? What the Hell Happened This Week? I'm PISSED!💦😠

in #antifa7 years ago (edited)

In this episode of 'What the Hell Really Happened this Week', I cover the skyrocketing Bitcoin price, a disastrous foreign policy move with Qatar, and the possible end of this beautiful open worldwide web experiment.

Starting off, I am PISSED! Literally! Yesterday at the Anti-Sharia March here in NYC, I had piss thrown on me by AntiFa. What did I do to deserve this? Nothing more than defending a certain female 'right wing reporter ' when I stopped a masked AntiFa thug from delivering a blind-side bash to her head with a wooden stick. The massive homeless Michellen Man with a rape whistle sucker-punched me and then shouted to police that he was the one being assalted!

I asked the cop who was right there with us if he saw the guy punch me, and he so elequently responded "I didn't see nuthin!." They had the same attitude when I explained they were throwing urine on people. AntiFa also bombarded me with deafening air horns at point blank range, and I was then shoved around by the police as if I was the one causing violence. The whole day the police acted like AntiFa's personal security guards, allowing them to strike people, and preventing people who were attacked from defending themselves 😠

The founder of the Pirate Bay came out saying we have lost control of the internet, and it's all about damage control now. Big data companies, conglomerates, and government institutions are centralizing the power of the once free internet.

Prime Minster of the UK Theresa May, launched an internet regulatory security crack down using the Jihadi boogymen they have created to take a major step towards total domination.

Now British cops use their resources to monitor online comments instead of focusing on stopping terror attacks. The governments are the terrorists as they sponsor known terror groups abroad, while policing people for their FB comments.

Who runs the government? Vladimir Putin will tell you that it is not the “elected officials”. He describes how even the most passionate western political figures are controlled by an overarching power structure. In his dealings with three American presidents, all the end results were identical.

Trump is siding with Saudi Arabia and backing known terrorists against Qatar, Iran, and Russia. Trump making terrorism accusations wile sitting next ot Saudi officials is like having a bank robber giving penalty charges for late payments. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Eqypt, and the UAE took action against Qatar for supposedly sponsoring terrorism- closing off thier borders and isolating them.

This move is being made because of Qatar's close dealings with Iran, and further make Saudi Arabia the major hegimonic power in the region.

But with the MSM all wrapped up with the meaningless Comey testimony this major geopolitical shift didn't even make it to the evening news.

In other disastrous foreign policy news, three American soldiers die in Afghanistan after an attack conducted by the Taliban. This makes one wonder why, after 16 years, have we not been able to win in Afghanistan. What are we doing there and why? Afghanistan now producres 90% of the worlds opium, and they are raking in the profits of the addiction.

Also this week the United States conducted air strikes against Al-Shabaab in Somalia... For what?

There was an amazing article in the Guardian describing how the U.S. fueled the creation of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, all paid for with your tax dollrs. With Trumps recent scripted incompetency this will only get worse.

On the bright side, there has been a potential breaking lawsuit in the US District for Northern California VS the EPA that could end water floridation for good.

Also awesome is the news that Bitcoin reached the $3000 per coin milestone. This is great news for broke independent journalists that are kept afloat by crypto currency donations like we are.

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SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange


I have seen a nutrionalist who is looking to sue the government for fluoride in the water in a local city. There are tons of scientific studies out there and now they need to be truly taken seriously.

Strong the force is with Luke !

"It feels like the whole world is going crazy"

Good stuff luke, I liked and followed you :) Keep it up

Putin is controlled opposition, as is ISIS and radical islam. I'd love to see more truthers tell the truth!

the posts on steemit are so much better than just the YT vids!

theres no way to understand woman and politicians ;)

You rock as always Luke.

Great article, thank you for taking the time to share this information with our community. I appreciate your formatting as well, very easy to digest.

As for the mention of the opium production in Afghanistan, I've read interesting accounts that there was a mass burning of the poppy fields prior to the 9-11 attacks and that reestablishing the production of opium was a major influence for invading Afghanistan and the whole surrounding situation.

That dude with the blow horn... just... wtf? What a cowardly piece of shite :/

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