The lady who said Anthony Fauci was the erotic hero of her book. YIKES right? Her husband was the newspaper man, her mother boasted of spell casting and her father was the head of what became the CIA!

in #anthonyfauci3 years ago (edited)

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Info in here on Sally Quinn, her father and mother,

JFKjr, sister and cousins trip with mother and aunt to Montauk Island. They hung out with Andy Warhol, Morrissey, Jed Johnson Jonas Mekas and others known to hang out there. Shooting horror movies with John Beard.What was known to be at Plum Island?

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See a video in here, Sally Quinn and family is covered in last third of video.
Entire video is just 13 min. Put on full screen [hover cursor over bottom left of video screen then click diagonal arrow ] pause when you need to read.

It's been a long road! The Montauk Connection! Have you seen the Script?

Sally Quinn's family

Buffalo Bill Quinn aka William Quinn

  • 1933–1935 at Fort McKinley Quinn was the commanding officer of Company L, 5th Infantry Regiment.
  • 1935–1936 General Quinn was assigned to Company D
  • 1936–1938 assigned to the Headquarters Company of the 31st Infantry Regiment
  • In 1940 he was the Command of Headquarters Company of the 4th Infantry Division, and the Commanding Officers of Company D, 8th Infantry Division.
  • In July 1942 he became the Chief of Staff of the G-2, IV Army Corps.

In 1949 Quinn was the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment.

  • April 1949 he became Chief of the Training Sub-section, I Corps.

  • In January 1950 he became the Assistant Chief of Staff of the G-3, I Corps from February to March.

  • January 1951, Quinn was the Commanding Officer of the 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division in Korea.

  • In 1952 Quinn became the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Pentagon and Deputy Chief of Staff for Planning Coordination of the Office of Chief of Staff, he eventually became the Chief of Staff of the Pentagon.

  • In 1953 Quinn was transferred to Greece and to be the Head of the Army Section, Joint Military Aid Group to Greece.

  • In January 1957 he was the Commanding Officer of the 4th Infantry Division of the Strategic Army Corps at Fort Lewis. * * By July 1958 he became the Deputy Chief of Staff for the G-2 Intelligence of the United States Army.

  • From 1959–1961, Quinn served as the Army's Chief of Information, and in 1959 he became the Chief of Public Information of the Department of the Army.

  • In 1961 Quinn became the Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and promoted to lieutenant general.

  • From 1964–1966, Quinn was the Commanding General of the United States Army Europe and Seventh United States Army, commonly referred to as 7th Army, in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany.

On March 1, 1966 Quinn retired and became Honorary Colonel of the 17th Infantry, nicknamed "The Buffalos". [encodes so a 5 and three 6's}.
As you know for the cabal 5 means defense and destruction, for the the side of good it is Grace and Redemption.

Following his retirement from the Army, Quinn served as chief of operations of the Central Intelligence Agency.

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  • He was Vice President of the Aerospace Group program at Martin Marietta Corporation

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Quinn Participated in. . .

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Dachau Report
Dachau is a 72-page investigation report by the 7th US Army on Dachau, one of the concentration camps established by Nazi Germany.
The report details the mass murder and mass atrocities committed at Dachau by the SS and other personnel. Following the liberation of the camp by the 7th US Army on 29 April 1945.
The report was prepared during the following one or two weeks and published in May.
In addition to a preface, the report contains three independent reports which partly overlap thematically.

Do you find this bit interesting?
Although it contains some errors, the Dachau report is considered one of the first studies on the Nazi concentration camps.

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When Colonel William Wilson Quinn, Assistant Chief of Staff of the G2 Military Intelligence of the 7th US Army, learned of the shocking and indescribable impressions of his comrades after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp, he immediately went to the site to see the situation for himself. He remarked that the mass crimes found there were beyond his imagination, and that no one would have believed the atrocities committed in the camp at the time. As a result, he decided to immediately document what he had experienced, resulting in this investigative report. The preface, signed by Quinn, states:

DACHAU, 1933-1945, will stand for all time as one of history's most gruesome symbols of inhumanity. There our troops found (...) cruelties so enormous as to be incomprehensible to the normal mind. Dachau and death were synonymous.

Quinn formed several teams to gather information about what happened in the camp, including taking statements from former prisoners.

In particular, he was also interested in finding out what the population of the nearby town of Dachau knew about the concentration camp and what they thought about it.

Involved in the report were the

  • Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
  • the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC)
  • the Psychological Warfare Branch (PWB) of the 7th US Army.

The report is based primarily on interviews with liberated detainees by US intelligence officers and on field investigations. Members of the unofficial international committee of the liberated camp, which had been formed shortly before the liberation, assisted in this.

The 17 Federal Investigative Agencies of the United States and a Key Executive Order from September 12, 2018

Sally Quinn was married to Ben Bradlee. . .do you find this interesting?

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In this exclusive transcript from the JFK library, hear what he had to say just days after announcing his candidacy for the presidency.

On January 5, 1960, just three days after announcing that he would run for president, Senator John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline, held a small dinner party in Washington, D.C. Their guests included Ben Bradlee, then Newsweek’s Washington bureau chief, and his then-wife, Tony, and Newsweek correspondent James M. Cannon. Cannon taped the conversation for research on a book he was writing. After he died, in September 2011, the tapes became part of the collection of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston; a transcript is published for the first time in the new book Listening In: The Secret White House Recordings of John F. Kennedy, edited by Ted Widmer. In this exclusive excerpt, the candidate muses on the sources and purpose of power.

Celia Farber what she found on Anthony Fauci
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York opened at 10:00 on Nov. 16, 1914

On November 16, 1914, the New York Fed opened for business under the leadership of Benjamin Strong, who was previously president of the Bankers Trust Company. Benjamin Strong was an influential central banker, and throughout the 1920s, he promoted more effective cooperation among the world’s central banks.,among%20the%20world's%20central%20banks.

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Story of the Rothschilds their history and connections

A Trip through Time! Fall Cabal! True Story of Free Masonry, the infiltration of orchestrators of evil. What do the Jesuits have to do with it? You mean the Elite Controllers fund Both sides of Wars? In order to go forward you MUST go back.

Lynn de Rothschild friend to Hillary. Lynn's dad owner of General Aviation Company that became Meridian where her nephew is CEO location at Teterboro airport where Epstein was arrested. Lynn connected to Ghislaine Maxwell.

Trudeau and Richard Branson connected to Bronfmans, the Prince is PM supporter, which ties to Lynn Forester de Rothschild whose nephew is CEO of a company connected to the airport where Epstein was arrested. Suicide they say? Power of Globalist Pushers!

Interesting #Connections, #Synchronicity, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit. . .

Do you find this interesting?
I watched this on Ebay and it finally sold!

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Were they killing people with AZT, then calling it AIDs? you decide.

Mark states that Fauci is at the head of a satanic, criminal syndicate.
One cannot deny these people are Very Connected in.
Just look at Fauci's direct connections to Bill Gates and the WHO, not to mention the profits all of them were able to gain.

What was it Commander and Chief Trump stated over and over?

See evidence with sources inside of here,

Is Bill Gates trying to Help you or Harm you? Perhaps you should ask women in Kenya given Tetanus shots with sterilization hidden. Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci evidence from the WHO site of working together for a decade on vaccines. Gates came from Money.

#IngersollLockwood, #BaronTrump, #NikolaTesla

#SallyQuinn, #BenBradlee, #theNewsPaperMan, #WilliamWilsonQuinn, #BuffaloBillQuinn, #BillQuinn, #Dachau, #ConcentationCamps, #ArmyIntelligence, #Pentagon, #CentralIntelligenceAgency, #OfficeOfStrategicServices, #OSS, DefenseIntelligenceAgency, #ConcentrationCamps, #AnthonyFauci, #Fauci

More Sources/Connections #Synchronicity

Some all out allow it to be revisited offering themselves up as living sacrifices to the side of evil!

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Her Career working for Publishers Viking and Doubleday! She was an editor on Michael Jackson's Autobiography Moonwalk. #Synchronicity of JFK's First Man on the Moon Speech? YouDecide!

Long Island and Montauk True History? The Connecticut Connect? Do you remember back in the 1970's when Jacquelin, her sister Lee Radziwill, JFKjr. with sister and cousins vacationed in Montauk for the Summer?

Is there verification secret government programs exist? Who out there has evidence? How about the info floating around about Betty White and who she has connections to? Camp Hero, Plum Island are rumors true? You decide!

Little Edie, Big Edie and a Bouvier family dig that covers Jackie Kennedy's father and stepfather. Some of the suitors of Little Edie, one was Joe Kennedy and another was J. Paul Getty!


What is Q operations? Is it a Department of Energy Designation for Nuclear and beyond? Which role is more important, President or Commander and Chief? Are the failed systems in America being Exposed? Why you have to occupy in every state!

From 6.24.2021
Facebook Frames What happened when people questioned the narrative back in JFK's time after 11.22.1963?

Who was Sally Quinn and what did her father do?
Why did she use Fauci as her Erotic Hero in her Best Seller in 1991?
Who was Sally Quinn's husband and what Newspaper was he at the head of?
Are All of these Players connected?
#SallyQuinn, #LittleEdie, #BigEdie, #GreyGardens, #BenBradlee


JFK Assassination who was the Epstein then? What they Really Knew and how they staunched Anyone from Questioning the Narrative! Who is Sally Quinn? How does she connect to the Kennedy's? Who was Ben Bradlee, Marie Tippit? The suicide mouth shot?

#JFK, #MarieTippit, #BenBradlee, #SallyQuinn

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