Antarctica: A Few Wild Thoughts on that Mysterious Place Down South

in #antarctica7 years ago (edited)

Whenever I think about writing articles concerning my favorite conspiracy theories, there’s always the fear of ridicule and the feeling that I really shouldn't publicly express my interest in such things.

Remember though, when we used to imagine, and when we could theorize and speculate without any worry, just for the fun of it? Because so much of humanity's truth and history seems to be missing, we might have taken a wild guess once in a while as to what was really going on, but we knew that questioning the program was not encouraged, even if we had imagined a better world, better suited for us to live in.

It Is Suggested That We Outgrow the Conspiracy Theories

Humans don't seem to outgrow curiosity though. We may start out practicing with innocent kid stuff like ghosts and flying saucers, but if we find ourselves entertaining the stranger tales of propaganda and the deep array of secret military operations that surround these stories, we may be told that it's time to grow up.


The world of conspiracy theory has covered a lot of area during my time examining it-- from stories of secret outer-space programs which colonize and install bases on the moon and nearby planets, to rumors of secret inner-space programs which seek to conquer our spirits and our minds-- modern conspiracy theories have explored it all thoroughly. But where do all of these conspiracy theories come from?


I have an idea, or a theory. I have imagined and even dared to suggest out loud; that Antarctica is really a continent which is home to a technologically advanced people who run and control all of the governments that we know in the world. It's where most of the UFOs originate from, and the place from which all of the most secretive control over the mind of Earth’s population is managed. It’s where ‘They’ live, and they have technologies that we only glimpse occasionally, or that is so advanced that we can’t see it, all coming from the same place: Antarctica.


Ancient Tales of Technology

While many may remember Plato as being most famous for his philosophy, he was actually one of history’s first great conspiracy theorists. Some of his wildest stories came from a place that he called ‘Atlantis’, where according to Plato, the inhabitants of this mythical island had fantastic magical devices laying around everywhere, and they weren’t afraid to use them. Plato's story of Atlantis sounds a lot like my theory, or mine sounds like his, but what if Atlantis never sank? Plato might have been talking about Antarctica, especially in light of some of the recently published stories about the discovery of ancient ruins with high-tech machines being found under the ice there.

An Entrance?

There's plenty of evidence throughout history of high-tech tampering going on, and with that would come some high-grade propaganda. Many times it is suggested that there is an extraterrestrial influence, but what if this technology was coming from somewhere closer, right here on Earth? I even quietly imagine sometimes that the Earth could really be hollow like a geode, with a hole in the end like a hornet's nest, and that this interior is where this planet's management resides.

Perhaps Antarctica is the big entrance; maybe there’s a hole there in the planet, and the interior of Earth is where it’s really at, where the real civilization of the planet is safely nested, regularly piping the official script out to us surface-dwellers. Is the idea of a hollow Earth too crazy? Maybe a lot of the conspiracies are designed to keep us ‘Exteriors’ from finding out what a nice place they have in there.

A Big Projector

Another possibility is, that there’s nobody down there in chilly Antarctica, but instead there is a vast supercooled computer-- an ancient artificial intelligence which projects a program into the minds of humanity, keeping us all repeating unjust law, war and scarcity as a matter of fact on a daily basis even though none of us wish to live in that program. The machine’s original purpose has been erased from our collective memories, and we have become tuned with the programming as a whole, so that any anomalies or variations in the grooves of the public mental rituals are considered ridiculous or crazy.

photo (5).JPG

What’s the Buzz?

Considering the recent celebrity visits to Antarctica, it seems like we are supposed to be paying attention to it for some reason. Famous Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin was recently there, and famous man-in-suit John Kerry was reportedly in Antarctica on the day of the recent 2016 US election. What's going on down there? Maybe if there is a big computer and it loses it's control over the population, then the men-in-suits will lose their control as well. They do seem to be losing it.

If there is a giant thought projector running our imaginations from Antarctica, then perhaps we are adapting in the same way that insects overcome the latest versions of insecticide; with genetic kung fu, we are tuning ourselves out of the AI signal so that the veil is falling, and perhaps it’s why more people see through the old program every day. We may actually be witnessing the great awakening and unveiling that has been predicted in so many myths, fables, and conspiracy theories.

I know, it all sounds crazy. Do I know what’s in Antarctica? Not at all, but if there is a better explanation as to why we still repeat this absurd program that really isn’t working for us, then I would seriously like to hear it. We seem to be imagining and building a world that suits someone else, which is truly ridiculous and crazy, so I am constantly imagining a world that would suit us instead, we the extraordinary inhabitants of this planet.

all images by me



So like the projects of the humans to live in the Martian caves to whether the radiation. A civilization underground of Illuminati Atlantes, that would be cool.

Yes the interior would be the place to be, and all of us out here never get told anything about it. The surface really can be harsh.

It has it's pros too. You don't get night skies in hollow earth, and back in the day, you could still see most of the planets when (everything was closer and smaller). You'd literally get the purple haze from Saturn! Can you imagine?

The place which is out of reach and has fewer habitats will always attract us and many myths and secret theories will be associated with it, this is how our mind works.

So this means that I haven't gone completely crazy, my mind is working normally!

Hi friend, Now I am familiar with your thoughts. You are a genius person, you think such a wonderful world for men. If in Antarctica be the super power to govern the world, if the supper brain are exist their then if people like you who have very strong imaginary power could envent that the world would be a heaven. Thanks for sharing such an amazing things, wish you all the best, please reply if I get you or not.

You do get me, and I am recruiting all of us, we are all the imaginers of this, and I only offer new ways to think. We all can invent a whole new system with our imaginations.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, have a very good morning.

Your first photo looks like a great cover if you ever decide to make these posts of yours into a series. Maybe a silhouette of it, or kind of like what you did for The Allies of Old cover.

You know, you may be on to something here. While I personally think that Atlantis was located in South America, I have read the theory about it being in Antarctica. But yeah, Antarctica is pretty large to be just that. And, isn't it strange that ice is being used for the Doomsday vaults? It has that effect to keep the chemical integrity of objects. Also, Antarctica is known to be harsh, effectively keeping any random onlooker away from the goings on in there.

I like the Hollow Earth theory to, so whether Antarctica has a hole going inside or a stargate projecting outside, it still works. My current theory in explaining the universe is that everything's a projection, though the universe as a whole and not decentralized through planets.

It's disconcerting how some things are labeled as "conspiracy theories." I mean, if it goes beyond the conventional wisdom, is it already considered as such? In that case, the Earth not being flat is one of the earliest examples of it, is that right?

You're right, that would make a good cover as a silhouette, I may have to send it to photoshop and tweak it that way.

South America could be right too, it's southernmost tail is in the map photo above-- it's practically connected to Antarctica... we both could be correct!

The hollow Earth theory answers a few other conspiracies if we work with the premise that the UFOs and exotic technology actually comes from Earth instead of some other planet, then the little grey 'aliens' can be seen as tunnel workers, designed to function in the dark, who occasionally are sent to the surface for some reason. It could also explain why most humans aren't designed for the surface because their skin is exposed, furless, and unable to withstand much sun-- maybe we came from inside originally.

The projection idea seems to work too, I'm trying to figure out if it's an organic device that we are generating entirely, or if there's an artificial overlay that we've somehow agreed to interface with as consciousness.

There is a theory that the term 'conspiracy theory' was invented in the 1960s by the CIA as a way to obfuscate and discredit info concerning the JFK assassination. I imagine this newest flat earth thing is designed to make all alternative research guilty of moronic thinking by association. If anyone is buying into it, and is wearing you out with the flat earth psy-operation, just have them explain any one of the numerous amateur videos on utube featuring a 'green flash sunset'. The videos don't necessarily prove anything, but they don't fit with any of the flat earth models, while they do suggest a spherical object being obscured by the curving-away surface of the sea. In general though, I can't recommend arguing with someone who is convinced that the Earth is flat. Hollow though, I can logically imagine a hollow Earth, even without any evidence.

Given the Pangea arrangement years ago, that won't be too far off!! Haha!

Hmm an organic projection. That must mean our minds act like some sort of decentralized nodes. The network we all create is what causes the projection. Wait, I think we discussed it some time ago, with regard to us projecting our thoughts into the world.

Haha I don't think anyone really ever buys the new flat earth theory. Those wo joke about it do so ironically.

Maybe it's a massive consciousness inhibitor. :)

It's the consciousness inhibitor 2.0, and now the 2.1 version is ready to be installed.
Updates Available- Do you want to restart your planet to install these updates now or try later?

Restart now please. :)

Wow. You sure hit the nail on the head. Many times!

I wonder a lot, and sometimes I do this hammering of the nails!

Did you astral project yourself onto my porch the other night? lol! This sounds very much like the conversation Howie and I had. We also wondered if the pyramids are a part of it somehow.
The date that keeps popping up in Howie's brain is 10.10.2020 He thinks it might be when the 'monkey babble' being ushered into our brains ceases. In our theorizing, we wonder what might happen to people if that occurred...would some, or even quite a large percent turn into zombie like creatures? Without any thoughts but their own, would they lose it? Is the increased ringing in our ears a symptom of something malfunctioning? Or of our minds rejecting the programming?

We stay in touch somehow it seems! The idea of a generated program is a lot like 'They Live' as far as the mind-control goes, and I just mixed it with an older idea that I had of the grey 'aliens' actually being from inside our planet, designed to work in darkness (those eyes!) and that maybe even humans originated from in there, since we can't handle sunlight or the extreme temperatures on the surface. How our ancestors got kicked out of the plush interior is the mystery now!
2020 is soon, and not unrealistic as far as a general date for some apocalyptic blowing of minds to happen in a big way, it seems inevitable at this rate already. As far as lots of people losing it or becoming zombies-- I think most will remember their child mind, and without interference from the grown-ups, we'll invent everything anew. Lots of young people today are not buying the old system, and not bothering to join it-- they might know that better is due very soon.

Many times it is suggested that there is an extraterrestrial influence, but what if this technology was coming from somewhere closer, right here on Earth?
Oh what a great question!
You have triggered a Rhino Rant.
I will not fill up ten column inches with it here.
THANK YOU for this. Love it!!!!

Now where can I find this Rhino Rant then?

Not everyone is going to agree with you 100% of the time or even 50% of the time but there are always those of us who are very interested in what you may have to say ... Uneducated people or those who are one side minded may ridicule but do we really give a crap what others may think?? Stop worrying about what others may think .. it sounds like you have a lot to share .. there are people like myself who want to read what you have to say :) I love you Friend!!! SUNSHINE247

I appreciate it, I do have a lot to share, and I'm not too bothered anymore by disagreement, I don't mind supposing out loud on occasion. Steemit seems like a good place to store all of these suppositions, and to envision together freely, so that's what I'm up to here, and I have lots more!

Thats wonderful!!! I am looking forward :) SUNSHINE247

I am glad that you are trying to think outside the box, and have found the courage to share it with us all. I know it gets hard when you have people who do not understand basic physics tell you that you should go to school to learn science. And that is normal shlub, not a professional govern-cement shill.

One thing to add to your collection of theory points is that we are the 5th advanced civilization on this planet. The last one was destroyed by water.

There's an amazing amount of evidence laying around the planet, five previous technological civilizations isn't surprising-- this surface life is rough business!

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