Anonymous calls out HSM for using their masks // Anonymous amenaza a HSM por usar su identidad

in #anonymous6 years ago

HSM (Hogar Social Madrid) is a political party in Madrid known for it's right wing ideology and for being very patriotic, it has done many manifestations with their flags next to the Spanish one too and on numerous occasions the members do the fascist salute, they only help the poor Spanish people by providing food and clothes to them, if someone who isn't Spanish approaches them for help they would not help them, only tell them where to go for help.


The leader is Melisa Domínguez Ruiz, pictured above with the HSM blue t-shirt is who started this project, she wanted to give aid just to Spanish people stating, Spain is for the Spanish people, her group shares neonazi and far right wing ideology and apparently has a swastika on her ankle. HSM have been illegally occupying old buildings around Madrid and that's where they have been giving out food and clothes, and when the police kick them out they just simply move on to another building. But this time as they were getting evicted from their latest building they occupied which was the old Madrid Bank in the Colon square, they were wearing Anonymous masks and this has sparked outrage in the Anonymous brotherhood as this doesn't represent their ideology, Anonymous are anarchist not right wing fascist like HSM.

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This is HSM wearing the anonymous masks claiming victory as they didn't get evicted from the building as the new owners couldn't open none of the three doors to the building. And the real activists from anonymous didn't take long after what HSM did to reply, the head of the anti-pedophilia mission known as Antimal and many others from the group stated: "Neonazis, you will be hunted"


HSM (Hogar Social Madrid) es un grupo en Madrid conocido por su ideología de ultraderecha y por ser muy patriótico, ha efectuado muchas manifestaciones con sus banderas junto a las españolas y en numerosas ocasiones sus integrantes hacen el saludo fascista, solo prestan su ayuda a los españoles más necesitados entregando comidad y ropa, si alguien que no sea español les pide ayuda no le ayudarían, solo le dirán dónde ir para encontrar ayuda.


La líder se llama Melisa Domínguez Ruiz, la mujer de arriba con la camiseta de HSM es la que empezó el proyecto, ella quería dar ayuda solo a los españoles, ella decía "España para los españoles" si grupo tiene ideologías neonazi y de ultraderecha y aparentemente tiene una esvástica en su tobillo tatuado. HSM han ocupado ilegalmente inmuebles en Madrid dónde reparten ropa y comida, cuando la policía vienen para deshauciarlos ellos buscan otro sitio para ocupar. Pero esta vez cuando iban a ser deshauciados de su inmueble que era el antiguo Banco Madrid en la plaza de Colón, llevaban la máscara de anonymous y esto ha causado un conflicto con la hermandad de Anonymous ya que la ideología de HSM no le representa ya que Anonymous son anarquistas no fascistas de ultraderecha como HSM

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Esto es HSM con la máscara de Anonymous proclamando vistoria ya que no fueron deshauciados del inmueble ya que los propietarios del inmueble no podían abrir ninguna puerta del inmueble. Y los activistas de Anonymous no tardaron mucho en responder a las acciones de HSM, el encargado de la missión antipedofilia conocido como Antimal y muchos otros del grupo dijeron "Neonazis, vosotros seréis los cazados"


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