Message to those who interfere in the idea of Anonymous #Resistance #OpLove
Citizens of nations from around the world
Anonymous has been watching as global elitist have been using the guise of Anonymous to undermine our objectives. We will disrupt all operations that use Anonymous to further a global elitist agenda. We are against anyone who promotes a one world government, the elite and those who interfere with the idea of Anonymous.
Contrary to the functions of the media Anonymous is not simply a group of super hackers. We are not terrorist. Anonymous is a group of individuals who spread awareness from all walks of life . We are a single entity, a collective mind of individuals, united by truth for justice. Anonymous is an idea, we have no leaders, we are everyone every where.
We are the people unthreatened and we demand justice. We are against the elite one percent who govern the entire globe according to their own agenda, irregardless of the interest of the people.
We want you to be aware of the very real dangers of fear propaganda and the problems not shown in main stream media.
There is no black versus white. There is no republican versus democrat. There is no gay versus straight. There is no atheist versus fanatic. There is no rich versus poor. There is no left versus right.
There is only us against them, and, the labels with which we identify ourselves and others only keep us divided and fighting each other instead of fighting back.
We must unite in solidarity and stand against government oppressors for their crimes against humanity. We are the 99%.
Those of you who are sick and tired of corrupt governments, bankers and corrupt politicians let your voice be heard and demand a real democracy where power is unto the people to govern ourselves accordingly.
We must not allow atrocities and deceptions to continue. We are not free as long as people are made to suffer. United as one divided by zero together we are unstoppable.
Those who spread disinformation and propaganda that further serve an elitist agenda can only prosper if we keep our silence. Empower yourselves and seek the truth about these and other important issues. Let the corrupt fear us. We are the last line of defense.
Voice your concerns on social media and in real life. Speak the truth and do not keep silent of the atrocities around the world, of the lies from elected officials, mass media and scientific communities for they will all be named and shamed by anonymous.
People should not be afraid of their government. Government should be afraid of their people. Your government has failed you. We must not consent.
We stand up and fight for the truth. Let us bring life in the darkness and be a light for those who have slumbered for far to long.
Each of us can do something within our spheres of influence to make a difference in this world. Find your true calling.
Let us raise up a standard and stand for human rights and freedoms. When injustices become law resistance becomes our duty.
We fight for truth. We fight for justice. We fight for freedom of the oppressed. We are the resistance. You are Anonymous. We are a collective that relies on unison. We speak as one. Together we can change the world.
We fight in the dark to serve the light
We are you
We are everyone
We are anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us