I was just on my blog today and I saw something that got stunned. Recently I sent 2sbd to you just to say thank you for your magnanimous guesture towards me
You had done so much good for me.
First you sent me 7 steem which from my region is worth 15000 naira. A sum that was very useful to settle a debt I was owing and to eat.
Next you upvoted my post by 8% which is about 3.375sbd just for saying thank you.
The love shown to me was to much and I decided to say thank you by sending this small token
Yet you sent me 5sbd!!!
I honestly don't deserve all this generousity. I write this in tears because I started this steemit because I had no money [not even a phone]. But your act of kindness has helped me a very great deal. I have gotten just from you alone about 92.25 dollars which is about 32 thousand Naria in my region.
I don't even know how to write but you have encouraged me with your kindness and generosity. I was able to settle most of my debts and still have some change left to survive a while. I am honestly indebted to you.
Although I don't know you and you don't know me, you still have shown me much love and kindness.
You are like an angel sent to my rescue. Whenever I am in need of money and I check my steem wallet you kindess is there to help me out of that situation.
I don't know how you are able to send me help just at the right moment when I need it most. It's not like I am trying to show off or something like that but I just have to tell you how grateful I am for your magnanimous guesture towards me. I would have sent you this text personally if there was a way to do it. But I don't know how to. That is why I am writing it on my blog instead. Please don't be offended I did this here. I just wanted to thank you somehow. I am very grateful @anomadsoul. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH SIR. GOD IN HIS ABUNDANCE BLESS FOR REACHING OUT TO LITTLE MINNOWS LIKE ME AND ACT KINDLY.