8 awkward questions about sex I have an answer to

in #annieroxxie5 years ago


When excited, my nose itches

When I get excited, my nose itches terribly and I want to sneeze. Is it allergies or something?

And I would like to say: "to Us your problems", but will not, because common. Some comrades, experts from the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford found, want to sneeze at the mere thought of sex. There are those who understand immediately after orgasm. What is happening? Scientists have several versions. Perhaps when you indulge in playful fantasies, the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated, and it is precisely responsible for reactions like sneezing.

Another explanation: sexual arousal leads to swelling of the mucous membranes, not only the genitals, but also, for example, the nasopharynx. That's why your nose itches. Or this option: good sex - it's a decent physical activity, entailing hyperventilation and drying of the nasal passages. A consequence all the same-pulling sneeze.

Although, of course, we can not exclude the prosaic version with allergies. "It could be a reaction to dust, because we are talking about active activity, in which the air rises enough stimuli, – the sexologist Valery AGINSKY. – If you're using lubricants, eliminate them for a while and see if the situation changes." Maybe it's them. Latex allergies happen, too. In any case, suggest to pass tests and calculate your enemy for sure".

Is too much sex dangerous?

They say too much intercourse can lead to urogenital infection. Is that true?

"There is no direct connection here, of course," says gynecologist Irina Filatova. "The infection usually comes from the outside." And if your partner is not a carrier and is not sick, then there is simply nowhere to take it."

But indirect can be traced. "With prolonged sexual acts, microtrauma of the mucous membrane occurs," the expert continues,"and they may well serve as an entrance gate for harmful microorganisms."

How to avoid problems? Ways one another is more pleasant: to start business after a qualitative prelude or to use lubricant (and it is better both that and another).

Not enough lubrication in the vagina

I have no problems with arousal, but the lubricant in the vagina is clearly not enough. Why? And is it possible to use saliva for this?

"Most likely, it's a lack of estrogen – suggests Irina Filatova. – To confirm this version, be sure to contact a gynecologist. If so, before sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use a cream containing deficient hormones." "Or special intimate lubricants and gels, – adds the expert of the store for adults Elena Molchanova, - they provide a good glide, have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect, and most importantly, are designed specifically for sex and, therefore, will not harm your microflora."

But about saliva is better to forget: to use such a "lubricant" is irrational, and unsafe. "First, saliva has other mechanical properties," explains Elena Molchanova. – It's so-so and dries quickly." Secondly, bacteria from the oral cavity is unlikely to place in the vagina." During sex, there are often tiny wounds and cracks, which you may not even suspect, but microorganisms, be sure, will not slip by.

"And although there is a protein lysozyme in saliva, which has an antimicrobial effect, its tiny doses may not be enough for high – quality disinfection," Dr. Filatov condemns. There is absolutely no need to risk, especially when it comes to the saliva of the partner – who knows how things are with the sanitation of the mouth.

Important note: this does not apply to traditional oral sex. You know, the external and internal genitals are different territories.
Orgasm and unnecessary sounds
Is farting during orgasm normal? Why does this happen? And why not every time?

"There is nothing terrible in it for sure, – Irina Filatova is sure. – During orgasm spontaneously sharply relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum, the same may well happen with the sphincter of the rectum. What follows is the natural outflow of gases, that's all."

Warning: this is sure to happen if the gases are already on the threshold. And if unexpected special effects are not included in the program of your romantic evening, it makes sense to follow the diet. Or at least not to eat before a date products provocateurs (beans, cabbage, apples, black bread, grapes, whole milk).

And let me repeat what WH has repeatedly written: special exercises and vaginal simulators will help to take control of the obstinate muscles of the pelvic floor, and the sphincter as well.

After sex I want to write

Why after sex I really want to write?

Probably because that's what you wanted before sex. "The human brain is so well designed that it blocks the activity of the excretory system while we are excited," explains Valeria aginskaya. But as soon as the peak of pleasure is passed and the passions subside, the gray matter reminds that it would be nice to visit the restroom after all.

"Perhaps during intercourse there is a strong irritation of the urethra, so you feel the urge to urinate," – puts forward another version of Irina Filatov. And advises in any case to visit the doctor to exclude the possibility of some sort of pathology.

Do not forget about the common innervation of the genitals and bladder. And here and there during lovemaking pours a lot of blood, which, of course, increases the sensitivity. Your man, by the way, probably overcomes a similar desire, and it's normal. If it's embarrassing, go to the bathroom before you go to bed, that's all.

Separate question – why can't I hold urine during orgasm. Although there are just no secrets: the pelvic floor muscles, responsible for including dry clothes, relax-and here. That with this to do, you already know: to train in its pleasure.

Genital herpes and it's on the lips

I have a cold on my lips. Does this mean that genital herpes also exists?

Trick question. The medical literature usually reports that" colds " on the lips and genital rashes are caused by two different types of herpes simplex virus. HSV of the first type, as a rule, affects above the waist, and the second-below. So theoretically, the presence of itching vesicles in the mouth area does not mean that in the area of sexual organs you have something similar.

In practice, as usual, everything is much more complicated. In 20-30% of cases of genital herpes it causes HSV of the first type or both at once. So let's put it this way: the presence of herpes on the lips can only speak of a predisposition to the appearance of the same on the genitals too.

"Although the virus lives in the body constantly, it is impossible to predict how it will behave," says Irina Filatova. - Herpetic infection is most often manifested against a background of weakened immunity." Hence the moral: watch yourself. And still-refrain from kissing and oral-genital contacts, until "cold" not disappear. The need for condoms is not even discussed.

Anal sex and hemorrhoids

Is it true that there is a direct connection between hemorrhoids and anal sex?

No such claim all versed in the matter specialists. Varicose veins of the rectum can develop in those who have never practiced anal sex, and bypass those who engage in it more or less regularly. It depends on the state of the venous system and the lifestyle of each individual citizen.

"Yes, this kind of communication is sometimes a trigger that allows to suspect at the disease – confirms Valery AGINSKY. – But it's obvious that the problem arises before the sexual act takes place." So the basis of prevention will not be abstinence from anal sex, but sufficient physical activity and a balanced diet."

How to choose a vibrator

How to understand in the store, I fit the vibrator or not?

There is, incidentally, an interesting version: you need to touch a working toy to the tip of the nose - there seems to be no less nerve endings than in the clitoris, and everything will immediately become clear. "But this is a myth – severely rejects this option expert store for adults Elena Molchanova. - Focus should be solely on the degree of sensitivity of the clitoris.

Understand, as there have you, can be during Masturbation. If the sensitivity is reduced, the vibrations should be strong, and Vice versa. Not sure? Then choose as the first gadget instance with a wide range of functions-different speeds of vibration, pulsation (this movement back and forth) and escalation (wave). And consult with the seller, an experienced specialist will not withhold valuable information."

The squelching sounds of the vagina

Is squishing sounds in the vagina normal?

Yeah, trust us. "If we are talking about the back pose with legs wide apart, such a sound just the usual thing, – says Valery AGINSKY. – Just because of the peculiarities of the position of the vaginal walls loosely grasp the penis, and air enters the gaps, which then comes out with such noise effects. If the audio track appears in any position, it is likely that we are talking about the weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, when the desired girth does not occur at all. Fortunately, as we remember, muscles can be strengthened with the help of vaginal balls and exercise equipment."

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