profile sakata gintoki

in #anime7 years ago

sakata gintoki
On this occasion I will tell the main character of the anime gintama Country samurai has long been this country's not so called amanto since the arrival of the space and also the prohibition of swords on 20 years ago of the samurai experienced a decline in these hard times 1 left one person with samurai spirit its name is gintoki sakata
name: 坂田 銀時
Romaji: Sakata Gintoki
first appearance: Episode 1
date of birth: 10 October/Libra
age: 26 +
Nickname: also known as Shiroyasha: Gin-Gin-san chan
the physical appearance of the human species:
gender: Male
height: 177 cm
weight: 65 kg
eye color: deep red/brown (anime)
hair color: Silver Civic
Status: alive
Status of the profession: a member of the old
members of the Yorozuya Yorozuya (leader) of the war Fighters Is 4 leaders of Kabuki-cho District Population: The founder and leader of the Yorozuya.
It is not known for sure the origin of gintoki, gintoki is an orphan who is her childhood she survive with memplosoti from the corpse of a war she met someone who would nurture and teach him about the sword and pen, namely her teacher yoshidashoyo.
From that point forward gintoki lives with shōyō who founded the school for poor children called shoka sonjuku was where he met his friend comfy katsura kotarou, takasugi sinsuke, and more.
At one time the school will be destroyed by the bakufu because of suspicious rumors about their school, gintok along with others went elsewhere to save themselves but yoshidashoyou accused of rebellion and then arrested by bakufu it makes gintoki with his friends rebellion that is joui war to save but in that war gintoki and friends lost to bakufu party because they have hired mercenaries naraku after finished war gintoki in prison tortured and want to execution but gintoki in freed by ikeda yaemon to 16 after freed gintoki life as a midfield until she met with otose at Otose husband's funeral. Otose sees gintoki eating the food otose husbands offerings. On that day gintoki promised to keep otose and protect him then gintoki stay in kontrakanya in otose, and set up a multipurpose job (yorozuya) and met sinpaci and kagura there begins the story of gintama
Gintoki looks to have natural wave hair / (curly) blue silver hair color sehinnga he is difficult to take care of him because his hair so he often mocked old school curly he has dark red or brown eyes and is often dubbed a dead fish eye because of the effect of laziness from him that has roots throughout his body His daily outfit consisted of a white yukata with a blue circle pattern at the bottom and the tip of the arm, which he wore, carelessly, draped over his left shoulder. All this time, he was wearing a black curved belt that hung the rest of his belt, where his wooden sword (bokutō) that reads his Toya Lake, tucked in. He wore a black shirt with a large red stripe, the tip of his arm, and black pants. He also wore knee-high black boots, arched at the top and above his feet. This shows that he has a duplicate closet of this outfit, so that whenever it gets crushed, he can appear in the next episode or chapter with the new one.
Gintoki looks to have natural wave hair / (curly) blue silver hair color sehinnga him difficult to take care of him because his hair so often he mocked the old fashioned curly eyelid or brown eyes and often dubbed the fish eye died because of the effect of laziness from him that has roots throughout his body His daily outfit consisted of a white yukata with a blue circle pattern at the bottom and the end of his arms, which he wore haphazardly, slung over to the left. All this time, he was wearing a curved black belt that hung the rest of his belt, where his wooden sword (bokutō) that reads his Toya Lake, tucked in. He wore a black shirt with a large red stripe, the tip of his arm, and black pants. He also wore knee-high black boots, arched at the top and above his feet. This shows that he has a duplicate closet of this outfit, so that whenever it gets crushed, he can appear in the next episode or chapter with the new one.
Gintoki has a very funny side. Speaking dirty, silly allusions, and the ability to find women in places are not strategic.
Gintoki's past continues to influence who he is and how he acts. He confesses to umibōzu in episode 42, if the person who has the family should keep it well. Since Gintoki has no family, he greatly respects the memory of his teacher Yoshida Shouyou (the death of his teacher may be one of the main reasons he joined the Joui war). This caused him to be angry when Jiraia called himself Tsukuyo teacher and tortured Tsukuyo. She has a childish personality at her age, she calls herself a spirited child of an adult age. One characteristic of the trait is his love of candy to the point that he almost suffered from diabetes. He is often seen eating or drinking something sweet, strawberry milk and chocolate parfait become his favorite food .. for gintoki himself it is empty container he has fought in joui war and very well know what is the meaning of loss therefore he is a very protective against his current friend and he is someone who is very afraid of ghosts even though he has several times denied it. While in fear of the presence of ghosts he sang himself and he often sang the opening song doraemon.
And according to tama (robot waitress) gintoki is someone who is a little sadistic.
-Ability and strength
Gintoki has a great ability he can break through into enemy flocks and attack blindly gintoki fighting skills not only depend on the swing sword, but he uses his entire body. Her greatest strength seems to be great stamina and endurance, to the extent that she is said to be immortal by other characters. He became the strongest swordsman throughout the series. The weapon of choice is usually bokutou, a wooden katana whose handle is engraved with the word Touyako (Lake Toya), usually the bokuto always tucked in his waist. Gintoki hates killing and always tries to avoid killing anyone, he almost never uses a real sword to avoid vital damage.
Gintoki likes to order "rice with red beans on top" at a local restaurant.
• Gintoki has a natural knack for cooking
• Gintoki's design was actually made for Hijikata when Sorachi lost his first design.
• The nickname of Shiroyasha has the meaning of "white devil".
• The most frequently used hand is the right hand.
• Gintoki can sleep with eyes open.
• Her favorite drink is strawberry milk
• Just like Hijikata, Gintoki is also afraid of dentists, even though they are too old.
• Gintoki and Uzumaki Naruto have the same birth date
• His favorite snack is chocolate parfait
• Gintoki can not swim.
• Voiced by Gintoki, Sugita Tomokatsu also fills the voice of Hidenori Tabata from Danshi Koukousei No Nichijou.
Sakata gintoki
Pada kesempatan ini saya akan menceritakan tokoh utama anime gintama
Negeri samurai sudah lama negeri ini tidak di panggil begitu sejak kedatangan amanto dari luar angkasa dan juga larangan pedang pada 20 tahun lalu samurai mengalami penurunan dalam masa sulit ini tersisa 1 satu orang dengan semangat samurai namanya adalah sakata gintoki
坂田 銀時
Sakata Gintoki
Kemunculan Pertama:
Episode 1
Tanggal Lahir:
10 Oktober / Libra
Dikenal Juga Sebagai:
-Penampilan Fisik
Jenis Kelamin:
177 cm
65 kg
Warna Mata:
Merah Tua/Coklat (anime)
Warna Rambut:
-Status Kemasyarakatan
Anggota Yorozuya Lama
Anggota Yorozuya(pemimpin)
Pejuang Perang Joui
4 Pemimpin Distrik Kabuki-cho
Pendiri dan Pemimpin Yorozuya
Latar belakang
Tidak diketahui pasti asal usul gintoki, gintoki adalah seorang anak yatim piatu yang masa kecilnya dia bertahan hidup dengan memplosoti dari mayat perang dia bertemu dengan seseorang yang mau mengasuh dan mengajarinya tentang pena dan pedang yaitu gurunya yoshidashoyo.
Mulai saat itu gintoki tinggal bersama shoyo yang mendirikan sekolah untuk anak anak miskin bernama shoka sonjuku disanalah dia bertemu dengan teman seperjuanganya katsura kotarou, takasugi sinsuke, dan lainnya.
Pada suatu ketika sekolahnya akan di hancurkan oleh pihak bakufu karena rumor mencurigakan tentang sekolah mereka, gintok berserta lainnya pergi ketempat lain untukmenyelamatkan diri namun yoshidashoyou dituduh melakukan pembrontakan lalu di tangkap oleh pihak bakufu hal itu membuat gintoki bersama teman temannya melakukan pemberontakan yaitu perang joui untuk menyelamatkan gurunya namun pada perang itu gintoki dan teman teman kalah dari pihak bakufu karena mereka telah menyewa tentara bayaran naraku setelah selesai perang gintoki di penjara disiksa dan mau di eksekusi namun gintoki di bebaskan oleh ikeda yaemon ke-16 setelah di bebaskan gintoki hidup sebagai gelandagan hingga dia bertemu dengan otose di pemakaman suami otose. Otose melihat gintoki memakan makanan persembahan suami otose. Pada hari itu gintoki berjanji untuk menjaga otose dan melindunginya kemudian gintoki tinggal di kontrakanya di otose, dan mendirikan pekerjaan serbabisa (yorozuya) lalu bertemu sinpaci dan kagura disanalah dimulai kisah gintama
Gintoki berpenampilan memiliki rambut gelombang alami /(keriting) warna rambut perak biru sehinnga dia sulit mengurusnya karena rambutnya begitu dia sering di ejek keriting jadul dia memiliki warna mata merah tua atau coklat dan sering dijuluki mata ikan mati karena efek kemalasan darinya yang telah mengakar diseluruh tubuhnya Pakaian sehari-harinya terdiri dari yukata putih dengan pola lingkaran biru di bagian bawah dan ujung lengan,yang dipakainya sembarangan, tersampir di bahu kiri. Selama ini, dia memakai sabuk hitam melengkung sehingga menjuntai sisa dari sabuknya, di mana pedang kayunya (bokutō) yang bertuliskan Danau Toya digagangnya, diselipkan. Ia memakai kemeja hitam degan garis merah dikerahnya yang besar,ujung lengannya, dan celana hitam. Dia juga memakai sepatu bot hitam setinggi lutut, melengkung di bagian atas dan di atas kakinya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ia memiliki lemari penuh duplikat dari pakaian ini, sehingga setiap kali itu akan hancur, dia bisa muncul di episode berikutnya atau bab dengan yang baru.

Gintoki memiliki sisi yang sangat lucu. Berbicara kotor, sindiran-sindiran konyol, dan kemampuan untuk menemukan wanita di tempat-tempat tidak strategis.

Masa lalu Gintoki terus mempengaruhi siapa dia dan bagaimana dia bertindak. Dia mengaku pada umibōzu di episode 42,kalau orang yang memiliki keluarga harus menjaganya dengan baik. Karena Gintoki tidak memiliki keluarga, dia sangat menghormati memori dari gurunya Yoshida Shouyou (kematian gurunya mungkin menjadi salah satu alasan utama ia bergabung dengan perang Joui). Hal ini menyebabkan dia marah ketika Jiraia menyebut dirinya guru Tsukuyo dan menyiks Tsukuyo. Dia memiliki kepribadian kekanak-kanakan di usianya,ia menyebut dirinya berjiwa anak-anak dengan usia dewasa. Salah satu ciri sifat tersebut adalah cintanya permen sampai-sampai ia hampir menderita diabetes. Dia sering terlihat makan atau minum sesuatu yang manis, susu strawberry dan chocolate parfait menjadi makanan favoritnya.. bagi gintoki dirinya itu adalah wadah kosong dia telah berjuang di perang joui dan sangat tahu betul apa itu arti kehilangan karena itu dia adalah seorang yang sangat protektif terhadap temannya saat ini dan dia adalah seseorang yang sangat takut dengan hantu meskipun dia telah beberapa kali menyangkalnya. Disaat di ketakutan akan kehadiran hantu dia menyanyi sendiri dan dia sering menyanyi lagu opening doraemon
Dan menurut tama (robot pelayan) gintoki adalah seseorang yang sedikit sadis.
-Kemampuan dan kekuatan
Gintoki memiliki kemampuan yang sangat hebat dia bias menerobos kedalam kawanan musuh dan menyerang secara membabi-buta skill bertarung gintoki tidak hanya bergantung pada ayunan pedang, namun dia menggunakan seluruh tubuhnya. Kekuatan terbesar nya tampaknya stamina besar dan daya tahan, sampai-sampai ia dikatakan abadi oleh karakter lain. Dia menjadi pendekar pedang terkuat sepanjang seri.

Senjata pilihannya biasanya bokutou, katana kayu yang gagangnya diukir dengan kata Touyako (Danau Toya),biasanya bokuto itu selalu terselip di pinggangnya. Gintoki membenci membunuh dan selalu mencoba untuk menghindari membunuh siapapun, ia hampir tidak pernah mengguna pedang asli untuk menghindari kerusakan vital.

Gintoki suka memesan hidangan “nasi dengan kacang merah diatasnya” di restoran setempat.
• Gintoki memiliki bakat alami dalam memasak
• Desain Gintoki sebenarnya dibuat untuk Hijikata ketika Sorachi kehilangan desain pertamanya.
• Julukan Shiroyasha memiliki arti "setan putih".
• Tangan yang paling sering dipakainya adalah tangan kanan.
• Gintoki dapat tidur dengan mata terbuka.
• Minuman favoritnya adalah susu stroberi
• Sama seperti Hijikata, Gintoki juga takut dengan dokter gigi, walaupun mereka sudah terlalu dewasa.
• Gintoki dan Uzumaki Naruto memiliki tanggal lahir yang sama
• Cemilan favoritnya adalah chocolate parfait
• Gintoki tidak bisa berenang.
• Pengisi suara Gintoki, Sugita Tomokatsu juga mengisi suara Hidenori Tabata dari Danshi Koukousei No Nichijou.

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