Boruto’s Dojutsu Controlled By Uzumaki Clan Seal + Sage of Six Paths Cycle Ended By Naruto!

in #anime7 years ago

Boruto’s Dojutsu Controlled By Uzumaki Clan Seal + Sage of Six Paths Cycle Ended By Naruto!

The clan, the one prestigious gland that we know very little about, we got some minor history on them, but I believe they're going to be influencing the [inaudible] story like no other clan, and there's a big impact on the character of both oil that's already taken place that people have not connected back to the Yuzu locky clan. I don't know why today we're going to be talking about that. Now. The first thing I want you all to have in your mind as the reincarnation cycle of either in Asana, if you look at the story with a Greater Lens, understanding this reincarnation cycle can kind of connect the [inaudible] clan to the boat at those series and here's what I mean. Every single power up that we have seen in the story to date, whether you like the explanation or not, it has been explained to some degree.

If you want to acquire the renegade, you need some of hoggard, almost Chaka, or you're going to have to mix the Chakras of his children into up asha and assuming that things would be logical and scientific. The reason for this is because this mutation derived from the old suits key clients, so there's probably a specific branch of the old Slootsky clan that has more of these mutations than others, so maybe acquiring shocker from one of these people that we have not seen yet would also lead to the Pentagon, but as far as we're concerned, this is all speculation and of course what led specific. She know bs to acquiring these powers as being the reincarnations of Indra and Asha or having some genetical connection of course, but not everybody with a genetical connection is going to be the reincarnation. Only specific people from the vehicle in the central clan and also from clans were related to these clans.

Closely related to these clans have been reincarnations in the past. Everybody else, even if they are a part of this clan, chances are they will not get any kind of great power because of course they don't come from this specific cycle. It's a little bit weird how they tied in spiritual matters, end genetical matters, and the narco story. I honestly wish they would've just went with one and not both, but we are here today and we've got to address the fats. Now the big question is going to be reincarnated into political and easy going to have this great rival like how Aki and Kawasaki is going to be the reincarnation of Indra. Is that cycle going to continue and that's what a lot of people are saying because of course you have the answer should be no. Asha does not going to reincarnate into Bodo.

He's not going to take over. Meaning both of those not going to get power because he's Asha does reincarnation or he's more closely related to the send you or how it almost chocos going to be given to him. Of course he's gonna mix jockers. None of that's going to happen because it's not needed and I feel like it would be beating a dead horse constantly bringing up view Chia clan and the clan around chapter 692 of the Maga Norto had stated that after this final fight, the feud between Indra and Asherah would end Sauskia. That of course replies sometime around this time, that eternal destiny, the sage of six past talked about what end if he dies. Now, keep in mind who didn't die, the both of them didn't die, so the reincarnation cycle technically wouldn't be dead if softscape correct. On the other hand, Sauskia acknowledged that Nardo won the fight and I know you might be like, okay, but that doesn't end the cycle.

However, here's the thing, those two kind of in the end came together and this has never been done before, so that's almost symbolic of the reincarnation cycle ending because if we look at things spiritually, if Nora toand softscape the two most powerful of like all the reincarnations, they fight, they come together in the end, what would be the purpose for the cycle continuing, especially when they're still alive? Maybe those two could finally let go and die. I don't know. Powerpoint is political, is not connected to Asha in any way. His body, his power, his reincarnation. So I don't want people to assume that if oil gets powers in the series, it's connected to Norto and Asha. Now when we talk about nor toes, powers is nine tails powers, there is nine ninetails chalker reserves, which is almost like part of the reason why I don't care about the fact that the [inaudible] clan has a lot of chocolate reserves and our toes case because it's like he's got the nine tails, the so why does even neither the Glen jogger reserves anyways.

He also has heightened levels of send who due to hog it almost chakra, which was given to him. Oh, this has been explained. Even the concept behind the raw sayingon studying the tail beast balls of the tail bees. The tail is being created by hogget. Domo. It all goes back to the old slootsky clan, hoggard Domo with Norto. But here's the thing, that's the case with [inaudible], but it's a little bit different now, but at they'll has this special jyutsu called the Joegon or the pure eye. There's doe Jyutsu of his, which allows them to sense these negative emotions in people, allows them to see the shocker, a pathway system like obviously the B Aka Gun. He can see the changes and Chakra levels and this is very important in a Shinobi fight. However, the origins behind this I are unexplained. Why does he have this?

I why does it look so different or that's a lie. It doesn't look that different than the [inaudible] gun, but why don't any of the Hugo clan members have this eye? Why did we develop this? I. Is it only the Hugo DNA or could it possibly be something to do with the [inaudible] Maki clan? And here's why I say that. The [inaudible] Maki clan specializes in full in Jyutsu, right? The curse mark, for instance, as a full end Jyutsu. Now what did both they'll receive from almost cheeky, this'll [inaudible] clan member that he defeated a foe and Jyutsu a curse mark now and the though animate episode one, we see both on Kawasaki fighting each other and he uses the fluid Jyutsu this curse mark, which spreads across his body, and this I the Djogan. He uses those two in combination with each other. Probably something to do with control.

The use of Maki clan is all about controlling things. They've got these chalker chains to control tail tailpiece of course, how she dama pursued Osh Gina, who's who Maki to seal a giant tail beast, this giant beast which was ravaging the lands and in fact they were so good at controlling things that the entire world banded together against Uzzah Sushi go basically the use of Maki clan, the land of eddies where the use of [inaudible] clan was and they destroyed the entire land and the surviving members, they spread their booty cheeks. No, they didn't spread their booty cheeks. They basically left and they all spread around the world. You've got some in the head and rain village. You've got some in the hidden grads village. You've got some in the heavenly village, so the use of market plants spread out around the world. I don't know if the curse seal expansions and those unique Dojo of which none of the Hugo clan have is directly connected to the [inaudible] Maki clan and maybe some kind of mutation developing as a result of mixing.

We know jeans are very complicated even in an art world, so for instance, kidney motto, who's a part of the copy of clan, which are also descendants of coffee of ski, they don't all have this special bone technique that can be motto, has the dead bone pulse. He just developed it because he was lucky even with the huge mclean you had these branch family members and these main family members, but the main family members weren't always stronger than the branch family members, but you would think that's the case because one's dominant over the other. However, Huga Nagee was one of the most skilled Uga claim numbers to date. He was a prodigy. We know more about the Ito Zuka clan and the clan, the clan that bore Norberto, Ouzo Maki, the main character in self, which is insane. So I don't know if it's something to do with the [inaudible] clan or maybe what it is is the old suit ski clan member that came into contact with is more closely related to the [inaudible] clan.

Maybe direct ancestors on some linear. Now is the central claim and the claim or not? The only plants that exist, I know that's how it felt throughout all of our, but that's not actually the case. We know the yoga class is descended from Hashimoto's line. Right, so there's more clients. The [inaudible] claim could be descended from other Otsuka clan members. It just makes sense. In fact, they could take the time to make this third member of the old Slootsky trio that arrive basically to steal, not to our toes. Diante Chakra. They couldn't make him and oh, Tsutsui clan ancestor. I don't know. They could take this in so many different directions. Guys. The use of Maki clans, like a clean slate. They could do anything with that and maybe Kishimoto save this for the real world, which would be really dope if that were the case. Now he might have not given it that much thought, which would suck either way.

I don't know which one is the case. I don't know if Kishimoto gave it a lot of thought. Our view is trying to save this robot at all, whether it be specific [inaudible] clan members that are more closely related to the [inaudible] clan, maybe some specialized in fluid Jyutsu that makes a lot of sense, or it's something directly to do with the use of Maki clan and the genes mixing the fact that full in Jujitsu and curse seals are coming up for a photo like this and this way as well as this dough Jyutsu that no other Huba clan member has. There's something going on here and it's tied to at the very least, the old suit, ski clan lines, something to do with half of the DNA that bought or received genetical stuff right here. Now, here's what's very interesting, what a studio pair yachts, animators that's working on board basically came out and said that this is connected to the old slootsky clan, but not only the old suit ski clan, right?

It's connected to their dimensions and also that this power is somewhere of an equivalent to our toes. Sensing of negative emotions. This would be the perfect time to reintroduce the [inaudible] clan, introduced some new members, give us some more background on them and maybe they specialized in negative emotion sensing and dimensions, things of that nature. I think both of those going to be getting the nine tails from narco, but I don't believe that it's going to be sealed inside of him. I believe he's going to seal it and he's going to bring it out whenever he wants and that's going to be super convenient. He might even be able to absorb techniques like Momo cheeky in the future with fruit in Jujitsu. We know for a fact at this eye and the seal, this curse mark that was given to him by Momo sheekey are connected in a way and I'd be willing to bet.

It'd be just too convenient to basically say the [inaudible] clan is the reason why Bordeaux has these things because of the mixture and because some of these old sinskey clan members that appear are more closely related to the use of Maki clan than any other clan and it's not a stretch because keep in mind their land was destroyed and there's a lot of members who are currently hiding or were hiding and they probably just weren't introduced for whatever reason, but at the same time, listen, that beast that was sealed up, I hotsheet Alma and Asana. It was so powerful that Hashima alone who could fight the ninetails couldn't even seal them away with the rest of his clan. Think about that. He needed the Yuzu Marquis clan, so it's not a stretch that they could introduce some powerful Slootsky clan member who's connected to the [inaudible] clan and that's the reason why I bought it though, has the abilities that he has and that could give us foresight into his future abilities.

Like he could summon the nine Tail Fox. Again, guys, I don't want to speculate too much because we know very little about the clan and I don't want to keep spreading false information. I don't want to get. I don't want people to think that all of this is actually connected to the of clan when it's not.

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