Which Anime would you want to see first?
Ok bros so we all in the anime community have knowledge of anime. A terrible part about anime is, is there going to be another season? When ? I'm going to list 5 animes and you guys can comment on which you would rather see 1st.
The 1st one is Berserker the movie series Berserker had 3 amazing movies but had one even more shocking ending and fans of the movie series have been waiting on the 4th movie.
The 2nd anime is Highschool of the dead I can't remember if this anime had 2 seasons are not but its a zombie dealing anime thats dealing with highschool students trying to live through the zombie Apocalypse.
Many fans have been waiting on shocking One Punch Man season 2 even though its not that old and kinda unique in its owe way.
4th anime is Ajin. Ajin has had a 2nd amazing season being more shocking and amazing than the 1st season which I'm a big fan of I would really love to see the 3rd season of this to be honest.
Last but not least is Attack on Titan season 3 now theres been rumors on the next season happening in spring next year which is good to be honest especially with the last season ending with a surprising cliff hanger of the Abdominal Titan.
Me personally bros I would want to see AOT or Berserker 1st.
I'd watch Attack on Titan first.. but I don't know the other ones except Ajin and I'd like to watch it too.