DragonBallZ Super Gods – I will always add the Z

in #anime7 years ago


I have watched DragonballZ since I was 12 years old, I am now 27 and I still watch DragonBallZ, I have always enjoyed it.

As a Kid, my reason for loving DragonBallZ was Goku, his story, his purpose, his development and whatever else comes next in his story. It is really that simple, and then How and who he is throughout the story, how he keeps getting stronger and how he keeps doing that always to only serve ALL, and never has he ever abused his strength and potential, even when he is the strongest in the universe, his simplicity, childlike expression is what I really enjoyed and how that in itself is a strength.

Now obviously the downfall was that I as a Kid up until my teens (yes all the way till then) participated in a LOT of energy within myself, believing that energy, as our emotions and feelings gives us strength, it gives us power, and I literally physically pushed myself to become strong during those years and I added a lot of anger to it, as I believed that every time someone makes me angry, or when something personal is done to ME, that I must become angry and thus have EXTRTA strength, and thus the illusion was created within me that I can simply in moment of need use my emotions to become stronger, which in reality only made me lose more control and thus focus and thus effectiveness.

I played a lot of sports, and within this I hurt a few kids going into the energy moment, like a very high adrenaline mode and doing something will a lot of force and strength at once, or I would lose to someone else and take it personal and then threaten to beat them up while being possessed with this high emotion that I believe gives me strength, kids called me Goku at school for a while, also because I had Blond hair that I always gelled upwards like I am constantly in super sayen mode.

When I was 18 I left school and went to work, I started off on a farm, the same and current one I am on today. Within this time I was also introduced to Desteni.org – which showed that we are not energy, we are not the mind and that we are in fact the creators of what is here as the physical as the universe, and at Desteni all of this is explained in detail and in videos and Courses that I have walked, it truly shows how the mind works, how we work, how we are the creators, and also at Desteni there are tools that I applied daily, which is writing – where I write for myself about my day, events, situation and then I apply self-forgiveness in writing and speaking it out.

I have changed a TON since then, and still I am watching DroganBallZ – and recently a new series came out, which is Dragonball Super, where Goku is now training to become a GOD and to then fight a God.

Within the series, Goku and vegeta are in competition to see who will be the strongest, and they chose to go train with this one guy where Gods train and live. Once they were there they trained very hard and have also been placed in this different dimension to train.

Here comes the punchline – the guy that trains them has shown them, to become a GOD you must not use or fight with energy, but with the PHYSICAL – this is why if you watch the series you will see that NO one can sense the gods energy, and even when Goku became a god for a moment, their energy could not be felt, because for them to be at a god level, energy is actually a limitation from reaching the ultimate power as the physical, as their bodies, which extends and go beyond energy.

So, this is where Goku and Vegeta are now, they have to give up energy and start basically retraining themselves as the physical, as they can only through this reach the stage of a God.

I share this, because I also have only really truly started finding msyelf and my potential and who i am and cna be through Takeing on this training and practices with desteni and stopping my mind, stopping the thoughts, feelings and emotions that i got so addicted to and to start focussing on the physical as LIFE, and this training is still going on, this is also something I really loved about Goku, he neevr gave up and always pushed himself to his limits and beyond, till there were none and will never be any as he simply does not give up on his own self-development even if it means a WHOLE new way or perspective he takes it on and tests it and push as long as he knows he will always be able to live and protect LIFe.

Thanks for reading, I thought this will be cool to share and give a different perspective.


I have to say of one best anime.

I agree.


Super is getting so good!

I'm with you, I've been watching since high school and I'm 38. ALWAYS add the Z.


The same here, i'm 32. And i love anime, and dbz is one of my loved anime all the franshise from games to anime and now the new DBS And much more that he could expect from the creator of DBZ. I'm from Portugal and no time spent on television series teachers had to stop classes for all inclusive they see the DBZ. Because everyone leaves the classroom



dragon ballz was the first ever anime that i watched it is still one of the most popular anime yet. any kid would love too watch it and imagine that they are a sayian and they have these awesome powerups by screaming and energy blast. the only reason that older people are watching it because most of them have been watching since they were a kid with wild imagination and they have grown to love the character and they like to keep up with the story line.
but a grownup who has started watching would not like as much as if they had seen is as a kid. Dragon ball franchise lacks a sophisticated story line, it is all about screaming, power-up and endless fighting. just look at the naruto franchise for a moment i think it is superior to dragon ball z in many ways like its has sophisticated background, ancient storyline and how it links to the present events, diffrent people with many diffrent power traits, not only that but the Naruto franchise also reflects on the real world aspects such endless wars, pain, misery and suffering also the happiness prosperity in life.

Yes, i agree with both perspectives you are giving, the one on DragonBallZ and naruto - I see it this way, no matter what we watch in life, it all depends on who we are, who I am watching it, this way any story, anything can become a point of self-investigation and self-transformation through realizations. We can have sophisticated anime and other TV series, but if brainwashed people watch it like Zombies, then the meaning or the deeper meanings within it is lost, for example, when the matrix came out the firts time, everyone I knew only saw it as an awesome Action movie, nothing else, ten years later I watched it again, and due to my perspective that has changed in that time and how I have developed, watching the matrix again blew my mind away, and I questioned msyelf, how come ten years ago it was simply an action movie to me, now it is a LIFE changing movie, because those I watched it with ten years ago, only cared about their cultures/religions and nothing else, so nothing new could ever come in and change their view/life.

Dragon ball z was the best - I'm 29 and started watching it at around 12 too.

Cool. Same age impr

Hy I'm also watching this from the age of 12 years old one of my fav carton 😊

I love Dragonball super it's absolutely epic. But I love Naruto and One Piece to and I have to say theres a tussle going on between all three.

Obviously as a character goku and Vegeta will kick Luffy and Narutos backside. But nevertheless the show has it own emotions and kick to it. It's something else.

I'm a freak a anime freak so I guess we will get on just fine. :) @gian

Cool. Thanks for the info. I will definitely bring up some more Anime points and what I liked and like.

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