Megalo Box! Gear up for an anime (un)boxing!
Megalo Box
I've started watching this anime a few days ago when I was on a bus on the way to the hospital to run some errands, I had nothing better to do that time. I went to my go-to site for anime series and movies: and came across Megalo Box. I've been meaning to watch this show before but the site did not have it yet. It's fairly new and only has 6 episodes at the moment.

I think it was pretty good. I watched it because I was a fan of another anime series that was shown around 18 years ago! It's called "Knockout" (in my country but it seems it had different titles too), or Hajime no Ippo or Fighting Spirit; which stars Ippo Makunouchi - an underdog boxer who became champion:
Ippo Makunouchi is a loser. He has no friends, he spends his free time helping his mom with work, & he's constantly being beaten up by bullies; but that all changes when one day he's saved from another beating by Takamura (an up-and-coming boxer). Soon, Ippo turns his life around with a passion for the newly discovered sport, but his new lifestyle is far from easy! Before he can even dream of becoming champion, he will have to overcome a slew of fierce rivals and learn what 'dedication' really means. - Fighting Spirit | Anime Heaven
Watch Fighting Spirit Here

Megalo Box is very different from Fighting Spirit though. First off, the storyline of Ippo is more realistic. In Megalo Box, Junk Dog is on his journey to take part in Megalonia - which is a boxing competition, but with a twist. They're using Gears, which are like exoskeletions that help in fighting. However, because of circumstances Junk Dog underwent a few surprising changes throughout those 6 episodes.
A desolate land stretches out from the city of poverty. A motorcycle speeds recklessly, blowing clouds of sand & dust. The rider is the protagonist of this story... He has neither a name nor a past. All he has is his ring name, “Junk Dog” and a technique for rigging MEGALOBOX matches with his pal Gansaku Nanbu, which they use to support their hand-to-mouth lives. JD is bored, resigned, & unfulfilled. Yuri has been the reigning champion of MEGALOBOX for the past few years. He has the skills and presence of a true champion. This is a story of JD & his rival, Yuri. - Megalo Box | Anime Heaven
I will not be posting spoilers here about those changes though. I suggest you watch the show and enjoy. It only has 6 episodes for now so it will not take too much of your time.
Click Here to Watch Megalo Box
Here are some screenshots from Megalo Box:


I watched a clip from youtube after reading this post, having the exoskeleton gear in their boxing is a cool idea :)
It's great. If you look up Junk Dog's new ring name it tells a lot about how his character fights.
very good article once upon a time i seen the final fantasy and DBZ you know these
Yes, I know them.