Bred to Race.....
On the way to the ranch where Saskie is boarded there is a breeding ranch and a few weeks ago I saw the foals with their mothers standing in the paddock. At first I looked at their innocent eyes, their aliveness and their curiosity whilst still shrouded by the shyness of this new world. I felt the love of their mothers. There was one mother in particular who was not as tired as the others and she was standing tall, proud to be with her baby and ready to support him/her no matter what. Then the reality dawned on me. They were bred to race. When they were ready just like last year they would leave. Leave the bosoms of their mothers, leave the safety of their presence and they would be worked and trained as little as they were to race for human enjoyment and money. This saddened me greatly. For money.
Then tonight I saw a post on one of the groups I am in and down in the South an influx of thoroughbred's were dropped at the feedlot ready for the journey of no return. So many beautiful beings who had been too slow, too slow and now were deemed useless. Their owners betrayed their responsibility when they were not good enough to make money from. They were considered hay burners - liabilities.
My heart sank. Really sank. What could I do for these beings? What? Then a face appeared in my head - there she was My Saskie - I was already doing it. I will apologize to those mothers and foals tomorrow (for the umpteenth time) for the pain humans put them through. And I will continue to share Saskie's story wherever I can.
If you are invited to the races this year or are tempted to gamble please think again. Remember the foals that are born...born to be raced...born and often go on the truck of no return.
Would you be able to look them in the eye?
If you could what would you say?