I wanted to tell you guys a quick story about patience.

in #animals8 years ago

My first ever rat was an unexpected rescue. His old owners kept him in a plastic storage bin by himself in their garage because apparently the wife didn't want a rat in the house. I don't know how long he had been living way. He was overfed and absolutely socially neglected.

I named him Lestat. My first few weeks of having him, I could tell he wanted to be near me, but whenever he had the chance he would bite. Not just nibble, but would draw blood. But it wasn't out of aggression, it was out of fear.
So I created a playpen and would sit in that playpen for HOURS with him, every single day. I got on ratforums.com and collected as much info as I could. A week later I was about to get him another male rat (I wasn't financially ready to take on a rat at the time, admittedly, but I did the best I could) named Louis. Louis was far more sociable and Lestat was able to watch and learn from him.
A few weeks later of working with him every day, Lestat got friendlier. Now he'll run and jump into my lap and snuggle. I have no fear of him biting and now he's my little bestest buddy.

So please don't ever give up on a rat that seems... a little off. Maybe all they need is a little chance. Or... several little chances. :P


That is an incredible story, I give thanks to you for sharing and for your kind existence! I think you have a very beautiful soul. I give my best to you and your friends. :D

Thank you, and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that's not me (I'm not a girl), it's a random I found and wanted to share with you, cannot quote source since it would violate the privacy of a non crypto user.

I have long fingernails and am not a woman.

You need to put some sort of agreement between you and the original creator of the content if you wish to receive any kind of credit. I'm removing my upvote until that is done. Not to say that you are plagiarizing but I cannot support something that is not credited.

edit Apparently my voting weight is too small and it won't let me remove it haha. Regardless, you can receive massive downvotes by whales and dolphins for not crediting sources and having proof of an agreement of posting.

I currently contacted the source and I'm sure we will get to an agreement, yet crediting the source is something I cannot do.

You have to have some sort of agreement posted to show that you are allowed to share this content. If you are not crediting the source and just saying "Anonymous wrote this > Anonymous gives me credit" then that is not a legitimate way to prove your agreement for posting the content.

Obviously, do whatever you want to do - in the end that's what you'll do anyway - I'm just trying to help you from getting downvoted in the future.

What i mean't by not crediting the source is that I won't post her name here, I will take a screenshot of the conversation and pixel, I even thought about introducing her to cryptos with this little hack, I'm pretty sure her work here would be appreciated.

This was an epic fail, I asked her for the agreement, she agreed, and then we realised facebook erased her post ( because containing blood).

I posted it again here with the proper permision.

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