The tiger is the largest cat species of its species, even bigger than a lion. The tiger is also the second fastest cat in the run, after the citah. In the overall carnivore, the tiger is the largest carnivorous cat and the third largest carnivore after polar bears and brown bears.
Tigers usually hunt for bigger prey such as sambar deer, deer, pig, or mouse deer. However, tigers will hunt for small animals such as hedgehogs if a rather large prey does not exist. Although coming from the same family, the tiger is different from the common little cat, the tiger is very fond of swimming, and basically the cat is afraid of water.
Loreng on most tigers varies from brown to black. The shape and density of the lorengs differ subspecies from one another, but almost all tigers have more than 100 stripes.
Tiger is a national animal of:
- People's Republic of China (with dragons and pandas, tigers are unofficial symbols)
- Bangladesh (tiger Bengal)
- India (Bengal tiger)
- Malaysia (tiger malaya)
- Nepal (Bengali tiger)
- North Korea (Siberian tiger)
- South Korea
Nazism (gone) with black eagle - USSR (Siberian tiger)