Owl Guide
We like the owl guide, the owl represents the quality of “seeing” in the dark Things come to light.
“For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.”
(Luke 8;17 English Standard Version.)
We are certainly living in fast moving times and each person must take responsibility for their own alignment growth and development . The owl sees all , best known for being able to see in the dark. As a guide the owl it is said can help you perceive beyond the veil of deception and illusion; it helps perceive what’s kept hidden.
The owl symbolizes the ability to see through illusions and find the real meaning. The owl in the featured image looks amongst many things very discerning… we don’t always get it right and sometimes there is a reason other than the obvious for this. The owl picture is by a very talented lady Romana Sperska https://romanasperska.com/ Is there anything else about the owl picture you can sense or feel?
I like many people have , always liked Tolkein’s Lord of The Rings an epic tale of the victory of the forces of light.
The Fellowship endured hardship and mustered great courage and endurance in the face of darkness and what seemed like overwhelming odds.
The warmth and courage of the Fellowship meant that they were never overwhelmed it was not a numbers game it was of resonance. “Simple acts of kindness and love” Everyone helped by selfless service when the faced with what seemed overwhelming force, treachery and darkness.
As one the birds, the trees,the elements, the dwarves, humankind, hobbits , the elves, Radagast The Brown, Galadriel, Gandalf The Grey and all that he and his true allies, the pure of heart stood for.. It’s not about perfection and smugness, it’s warmth for example, humility, empathy and a care for humanity , the animals and our connection to nature.
Do you remember Gandalf making a fearless and selfless stand against the Balrog in Lord of The Rings? " You shall not pass"! below thus protecting the innocents, the future and well being of Middle Earth and the mission to return and destroy the dark ring of power.
It's the simple acts of every day kindness and warmth which count in this world, helping to kindle beacons of light-tenderness, generosity and respect. Thank You for your time.