So that's why she was screaming!
Have you ever found a tiny spider crawling around inside your house? Yeah, us neither. They seem to be bigger and bigger when they get inside. Anyway, Mama-Pepper ain't the type to take too kindly to massive spiders crawling around on the walls inside our house, even though they do eat pest insects, so I had to do some relocation. Honestly, after looking at it more closely, I can't blame her.
Have you ever found a spider this big inside your house? What's the biggest one you have found in your house? Also, what's the wierdest or craziest animal or bug you've found inside your home? Once we found a Grey Tree Frog inside the back of the toilet, that was unexpected!
Until next time…
Be safe!!!

I think I would die if I found that in our house! Especially if it started to run..oh my goodness! Once, I was about to do a load of laundry only to open my washer with a mouse chilling inside. I made my husband come straight home and dispose of the bugger. Nearly gave me a heart attack!
I have had them bigger than that in the house. One was so big I "hunted" it down with pellet gun. I kid you not. I shot it in the living room.
I pulled out the blowgun for this one, so I know how you must have felt. Was it an actual tarantula, or just some other big spider? Also, the Mandan Bride is doing excellent!!!
Just a big ass spider. Not certain what it was. The darned thing could jump about 2 feet in the air and land running. If the pellet gun didn't work, I was tempted to reach for the 12 gauge.
Good. That corn is as hardy as corn gets and such a short season that you can probably get 2 crops in. Will make a very nice corn flour.
I had a flying squirrel that moved in my house once.
Wow! That's interesting!!!
What kind of a spider did you have?
That thing is not messing around. I don't really mind spiders and will happily relocate them outside, but might need to call for help with that one. Just kidding. I could still do it, but I'd be on high alert.
THAT FACE!!! Ha ha ha. "Dad, are you sure you know what you're doing?!"

LOL! Yeah, that's a face for sure!
That is ONE big spider
Indeed! Been seeing a few around lately, but thankfully most were outside.
Was it a harmless one?
I kills spiders... No likie... Got bit once really bad thought I had a heart attack. 4 bites one on my nipple! To my armpit..
No fun. Not at all. We have bad ones here. I try to leave the others alone as they compete aka eat the poison ones. Wolf spiders are really cool and get huge. Had one that I'd hit flies with my stick or something and feed him. He was really cool. They are smart.
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