Lowland Copperhead Snake Hunting Frogs
A family member sat down by our small pond to look for frogs only to find that, a few feet away, this Lowland Copperhead snake (Austrelaps superbus), was doing the same thing. I grabbed the camera to get a few shots. In the video you can see two frogs escape from the snake. It was fascinating to watch it as it slowly checked every nook and cranny among the pebbles. This is the condensed version. I was actually watching it for around half an hour.
Below is another Lowland Copperhead snake that I came across at the Tamar Wetlands in Tasmania. This is not related to the American snake of similar name. It is a venomous snake of the Elapidae family that could kill (and has) an adult human. However they generally seem pretty calm and will just crawl off if disturbed. They can grow up to 4 1/2 feet. This one was at least 3 1/2 feet (maybe a little longer). They are generally found in wet areas, creeks, swamps etc, and feed on frogs, mice, larger insects, lizards etc. It will even cannibalise smaller copperheads. Aside from Tasmania, they can also be found in other parts of south-eastern Australia.