Where my witches at?

in #animals9 years ago

(Above: Cute little glass with a lid, purchased from Michael's craft store)

I wanted to create a thread for my brothers and sisters of the... "witchy" persuasion.

Practicing witches or warlocks...or any other title you may assume, if you are joining me here- leave me a comment introducing yourself! I'd love to meet new people like me and share stories, tips, and any other tid bits of knowledge that someone may be able to benefit from :) 

A little bit about me: 

I've always known I was a little different. I've always known I'm a bit of a freak. But that's okay :) I use that as a term of endearment. 

Also I had an affinity for cats at a young age (strays always seemed to show up on my doorstep), and I even had a calico kitten named Isis before I even knew who  she was! (To be fair, I picked the name from a Nancy Drew game...I spelled it "Icesis.")

I'm a practicing witch definitely, but the deity? I'm not sure yet. I seem to line up with a lot of different Wiccan teachings and traditions. Christianity also has a huge influence in my life, but I cringe and hesitate to even say so because of the negative stigma that seems to follow most Christians.

(I seem to never have a problem procuring exotic little table pieces)

**I know that most of my family and most Christians would shit on my point of view, and say that I'm going STRAIGHT to hell because if I believe in God, Magic is blasphemy...But I believe you should explore all options that you feel comfortable exploring. I believe you shouldn't force your beliefs on anyone. So if any of this makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to stop reading. **

(The act of coloring a picture can be an example of using paper and crayons as a meditative practice)

 I'm on a spiritual path right now, on a journey to find out what is truly important to me.  I favor the sea along with Moon magic. Crystals are a big focus of mine at the moment. 

(Quick snap of my crystals, they need to be charged!)

I also seem to have affinity for finding feathers as of late.

(I have found all of these feathers EXCEPT for: The Blue jay feather, It was a gift from my boyfriend and The bottom feather that has been painted I bought at a Cherokee Festival in Chattanooga. Again, all of the feathers have been found...and in the weirdest spots. A lot of the feathers I will find in books that I buy used.)

I also have two loving babies (Rats) named Mac and Charlie. They are precious and the best magical assistants a witch could ask for.

(Feeding time, yum!)

They are so spoiled. I stacked two cages on top of each other and connected them- they now have a penthouse. They also get to run around on the bed for AT LEAST  3 hours a day-They get to make blanket forts! Haha, my boyfriend and I even constructed a cardboard maze! They are the most privileged rodents in the area. 

(Look how photogenic Charlie is :)

So that is just a little bit about me as a witch.

I can't wait to see who else is out there! 



(One of my favorite pages in my Book of Shadows. I look through as many different looking glasses as I can get my hands on, all walks of life, all angles. Science, magic..The line to me is very vague.)


Eeeeeek hi! I'm so happy to see another Wiccan on here! I've been thinking about making a few occult-centered posts but wasn't sure there was an audience for it just yet. So this makes me so happy!
I'm more into herbalism and divination right now but I can't wait to read your posts about sea and moon magic! I'm so incredibly stoked to see this aahhhhh.

oh my goodness, my heart is beating so fast right now :D That was so quick! I will definitely go this direction with my posts for now since this got a reply. If I was looking for a sign, you were it :3 thank you!

Wait are you from the Chattanooga area?

No from it, but i cross through from time to time ^^

Small world! I live there. If you ever get the chance, you should check out Mystic Modes. It's the cutest little arcana shop downtown.

Hedge witch here and I think many of our thoughts might align, seeing your collections of artifacts and magical helpers. I love interfaith stuff and weaving knowledge of the world and spirit into my practice from a variety of sources, psychology, science, cultural traditions and religions. I specialize in meditation and traveling to the spirit world.

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