What pet to have is cats and dogs
They say money can't buy love. But for the money you can buy someone who will sincerely love you, regardless of your appearance, mood and social status. And if earlier with this function perfectly coped cats and dogs, recently they had serious competitors.
You just have to choose whose cute face instead of a cat and a dog you want to see every day.
Those who have troubled the house is adorable, and I assure you the best fluffy chinchilla, which can be kept at home. It has a number of serious competitive advantages over other rodents-firstly, it does not spread a specific smell, like rabbits or hamsters. Secondly-it is quite trainable and adequate. Has sharp claws, so good for a family with young children. And thirdly, it is, of course, the beauty of a chinchilla is unusually fluffy and cute. Add to this the fact that the care of a luxurious fur coat animal takes over, bathing in a bath of sand, and that eats chinchilla once a day no more than two tablespoons of special food.
Be prepared.:
Build a home. Chinchilla - not a hamster, and a three-liter jar as a house it will not fit. So, you have to buy a special spacious house with shelves, sand bath and a house for sleeping.
To the cynical jokes of friends kind of thinking aloud on the topic "how many chinchillas need a coat" or that they are more like taste — of rabbits or chicken.
Be series. Chinchilla is recommended to produce a walk around the apartment — but there it a lot of dangers. For example, the wires that the animal can bite out of curiosity. Or vessels with water-buckets, toilet, bathroom, where, likely, wants makes its way your pet, and can drowning, floundering.
To instill a love of order. According to the breeders, at first you will have to apply educational methods. And this should be treated with patience, as if dealing with a small child.
Rabbits aren't that valuable. And not the most delicious meat. Ask in "Greenpeace", they will confirm: the best the use of rabbit — to ride in chamomile field or luxuriate in your the hands of. However, not all rabbits are affectionate. If nature has put in your favorite spirit, then consider the rear paws of rabbits strong enough. And so it is very unpretentious, charming and sociable creature. And if you intend to clean the cage as needed-and the smell-it is not. At least, sharp.
Be prepared.:
Choose. What do you want — very tiny, fold, with short or long hair?
To become foster grandparents. Extraordinary fertility is not a joke. Rabbits do with hunting breed year round. Of course, if there is with whom.
To be careful. Rabbits are very mobile,but have a fragile cervical spine. This anatomical fact makes the rabbit is not the best gift for a small child.
Melt. Rabbits are great posers, and if they are in a good mood — as if specially will go about their business with the sweetest expression on the face.
Quietly lives in a terrarium and does not intend to mark the whole apartment, as it would have made a cat with bad manners. It is quite undemanding in food, if from the very beginning to decide that he likes your personal dragon. So, most often, the iguanas are quite content with raw meat, dandelions, cabbage and cottage cheese. Iguana is increasingly becoming a choice for busy and modern people. Care creating necropotence and, importantly, has a faint natural smell. With the simple care of the Ambre your home is not threatened.
Be prepared.:
To sacrifice domestic plants. It is likely that your home flora until the cacti will be eaten.
Remove the hanging iguana from places not intended for hanging-curtains, furniture, shelves. Have patience, the finger with finger straightening "palm" pet, while trying not to get in the face with his tail.
To provide a place in the sun. Favorite pastime iguanas-to freeze in a bizarre position, substituting the back of the sun. Amiss and artificial light, but the source of light should be coordinated with the specialist.
Do reptiles "pedicure" — trim regrown claws. This is an unusual activity you have about once in a month and a half. This way you will protect your face and hands from scratches.
Macaw Parrot
This parrot love to use in promotional materials — painfully beautiful, bright bird. From the first glance it is clear — Ara — individualist. It is really so, starting this rare and expensive parrot, you increase a family on one full member with the right to vote. This is no joke — your AGC will not only be seen but also heard. Another nice moment - these birds have several varieties of feathers, and you can easily pick up exactly the one that will look the most spectacular way in the interior of your apartment.
Be prepared.:
To spend on diet. Ara loves to eat-tropical fruits, nuts, berries and shoots.
Secure your pet. Flying parrot in the apartment convinced him the open doors. And he also considers mirrors a window or a door. For greater security experts recommend to trim the wings.
Teach. Ara is quite trainable. With a minimum of three commands — "come", "stay", i.e. "don't go" and "away".