How to protect your dog from piroplasmosis

in #animals7 years ago

Spring — time care in action, because for the dogs this season deadly disease, piroplasmosis. Before him, all vulnerable and defenseless, even the good-natured giant Mastiff or muscular" athlete " dog. Practical advice for the protection of dogs against piroplasmosis we were given by experienced doctors-veterinary medicine.

What is piroplasmosis? The culprit of piroplasmosis in the people is considered a tick, although it is only a carrier of the disease. By itself, the Ixodes tick is safe for dogs. Piroplasmosis is caused by microorganisms-parasites, piroplasm, which get inside the dog with a tick bite. Their "activity" is rapid and catastrophic: the destruction of red blood cells, red blood cells. Decomposition products are toxic and interfere with the functioning of the most important organs of a pet: heart, kidney, liver, nervous system. Without treatment, the death rate from piroplasmosis reaches 98%. Yes and drug therapy dogs are shifting the hard: for their organism this is a big burden.

What should you do to prevent your dog from getting piroplasmosis?

Do not be late with prevention. It is necessary to focus not on the calendar, but on the air temperature outside the window. Above zero means the ticks are out of hibernation and ready to attack your Pets. If spring is early, then prevention should be in advance!

Choose the most effective way of prevention. Veterinary medicine offers vaccination or external treatment. 100% effective vaccine for dogs against piroplasmosis doctors have not yet created, but work in this direction is underway. Already known drugs Piradov and Nobivac Piro do not provide resistant immunity against disease, but increase the chances of survival for an infected dog, which still need to be treated. In turn, the external treatment, stress, properly conducted, is the almost complete guarantee to avoid infection dog piroplasmosis.

For external processing use one of means: drops, spray or special collars. Some owners of Pets "loyalty" is used three tools simultaneously. This is wrong! In no case this can not be done, because the intoxication of the animal may occur due to an increased dose of active substances that kill or repel ticks.

On two to three days before and after treatment, dogs are not allowed to bathe. Why not "after" is understandable, but why not "to"? Sebaceous glands should not be empty, as the active substances are absorbed in the subcutaneous fat. By the way, they need time, about two days to start "working". Therefore, do not lead the dog into the forest immediately after the procedure: protection is not yet valid.

The dog should be comfortable in the collar, because to wear it would be long. The collar is the most "long lasting" protection: about 7 months if the collar is produced in the West, and about 3-4 if Russian. To the neck it should fit tightly, but not "on the noose", that is, so that he could pass the little finger. What is the difference between the collars of different manufacturers? First of all, in efficiency and safety for the dog. The active ingredients in the collars from Western manufacturers cleaned, with no extra additives. So, they are more active and less allergenic.

Treatment with drops and sprays should be repeated, because it is valid only for a month. Apply drops to the withers, even slightly above: from the back of the head to the end of the blades. To do this, spread the hair and drip on the skin at several points. Can be process and groats. Spray apply to the entire body, from head to limbs, and against the hair.

After the walk, be sure to inspect even the treated dog and comb its hair. As a rule, mites are attached to areas with thin skin: ears, neck, chest. If the animal's body is treated, they are not dangerous. If you did not take care of your dog in advance and found ticks, you should not wait for the development of the disease. After all in blood already began to multiply piroplazmy. Contact the clinic immediately! Even a day without treatment reduces the chances of your pet's survival.

What to do if the dog is still ill with piroplasmosis?

Treat it not at home, and in clinic. Only there will provide adequate assistance. In addition to the injections, you may need a dropper. The condition of the dog will be available to see doctors, veterinarians and will be able to quickly adjust treatment in case of deterioration.

In the spring, pay attention to any, even the most minor deviations in the behavior of the dog. Veterinarians are increasingly observing the development of piroplasmosis in dogs without clearly expressed symptoms: the animal simply becomes less active, somewhat reduced appetite. Such behavior at first not worrying its owners. And when they already see clear signs of piroplasmosis: high temperature, blood in the urine, mucous membranes icteric hue weakness in the limbs, — the time lost and to heal the dog is very difficult. And complications after running piroplasmosis is a lot. Therefore, it is better to be safe and bring your four-legged friend to the veterinary center for the analysis of piroplasmosis.

Do not give up maintenance therapy, which is offered after the main course of treatment. Dog owners should not think that veterinary center just wants to make money. Piroplasmosis never passes for Pets without a trace. It's not just the complications, but the treatment itself. But it is quite "aggressive": their goal is to kill "intruders", the parasites. Ricochet effect of drugs affects the liver, kidneys, heart, which have already suffered from piroplasmosis. Therefore, veterinarians insist on rehabilitation - a program of restoration of vital organs. Do not skimp on this, your care will return health to your pet.

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