My Bengalmese Cat Nikko's Baby Picture
This is my Bengalmese cat Nikko ( his full name is Nikko Kitsune which is Japanese for sunshine fox) the day I brought him home. He looks very sweet and innocent here but don't let that fool you. He's a terror.
Nikko is half Bengal and half Siamese. Hence Bengalmese. I didn't get a full Bengal as I figured it would be too high energy and thought the Siamese would lower the energy level. Pretty sure I was wrong lol.
Nikko's favorite hobbies are torturing his fursister Merry, torturing me by full on attacking my feet when I'm sleeping, and playing like 3ish in the morning. 😕 Lol
Just love this boy! Despite all......sigh
This is my entry in the #photopet contest by @steemotion.